The integration of a gallery or a single picture is quite simple. The steps to success depend on what you want to present. Here are some samples:
1. Single gallery inside of a page
This works for pages only. If you want to know how to put a gallery inside of a post, please read sample no. 4, „A small Gallery in a pots“
You have created a new gallery named „winter“ with pictures in it. This gallery should now be displayed on a new page.
(click here for an example)
First you need a new, static page. In the example , I have created a page named „Fotos“. Now in the WordPress Screen you can see the id for this new page. Note this id for later usage.
Go to the gallery management and choose your gallery. There is a field named „page_id“. Fill in the id of your static page which you wrote down earlier, save the changes and return to the static page. Edit the text of the page and type [mygal=winter].Save the page.
Now you can see a gallery with thumbnails in your blog.
2. Collection of galleries
Maybe you to create an overview of all the galleries in your blog.
(click here for an example).
First you need to create all the galleries and their static pages as described in sample no. 1. The next step is to create a new, empty static page and place the tag [mygallistgal] on the page. Save the page and that’s all.
3. Random picture in the sidebar of your blog
If you want to show a random picture from your galleries to your visitors, just put the following code in the sidebar.php of your template:
<?php if (function_exists(‘myrandompic’)) myrandompic(); ?>
4.A small gallery inside a post
To show a small gallery inside post, you need to use a different tag. Let´s pretend you have created a new gallery named „street“ with three pictures in it (see documentation, page 10). The steps from sample no. 1 are not necessary in this case. Edit your post and place the tag [myginpage=street] in the place where the gallery should show up. The gallery will show up in your blogentry.
5. Single pictures
To place a single picture in a post or page, you can use the [inspic=$id]. Maybe you want to include a picture with the „id 12“ form you gallery „winter“ in a post.For this you need to put the tag [inspic=12] in the post. There are a few more options for the tag you can use.
If you want to align the picture to the left or right the syntax is: [inspic=12,left] or [inspic=12,right]
If you want to show a bigger picture on click the syntax is: [inspic=12,left,fullscreen] or [inspic=12,,fullscreen] (center)
If you want to show a thumbnail or a scaled picture the syntax is: [inspic=12,left,fullscreen,thumb] (this works best with Lightbox JS turned on in the myGallery options pane).
435 Kommentare
an gallery – a gallery
and there static – and their static
place single – place a single
id 12 form you gallery – id 12 from your gallery
Nur ein paar Typos…soll ich die Anleitung mal korrigieren?
Jep, wäre nett :-)
Sie haben Post!
the gallery I’m trying to set up is empty :-(
any tips ?
@acanay: Please check the file permissions for the folder „myfotos“ it should be 777 in Line 48 or 49 of the file mygallerymain.php you find something like 0776. Change this to 0777 an try again.
Congratulations on a great plugin for wordpress! My German is a little rusty, is there anyway to make images open in a new window?
Currentyl images open only on a new layer with LightboxJs. But I take this as a feature request – many users aked for it.
Is there any chance you rebuild this very nice plugin or release an adapted version with Safe-mode on? This is one of the reasons I can’t use nice software like gallery2 and your plugin.
Thanks, mazalien
Safe Mode will be allways a problem for all kind of scripts which needs writeable accress to folders. Maybe I find a workarround for the problem, but I can´t promise that.
Thanks for the quick response tboley. Well I now use Plogger, but the problem with this software is, that there isn’t a good way to add long discriptions to pictures, and there where much integration problems trying it integrate in wordpress. So I saw your plugin and the discussion around it, but unfortunateley it uses safe mode -off.
hochladen klappt und alles, aber es werden keine thumbnails angeteigt in der verwaltung und auch auf der erstellten seite sind keine bilder sichtbar :-/
@TheChris: Wie sieht das mit den Verzeichnisrechten aus?
@tboley: alles richtig. wie gesagt automatisches hochladen hat geklappt. der ordner mit den automatischen kleinen thumbnails wurde erstellte … nur in wordpress ist nichts zu sehen, da wird kein eiziges bild angezeigt
@TheChris: Probier mal, was passiert, wenn du versuchst, eines der Bilder direkt aufzufrufen im Browser. Also wie folgt
Was passiert dann?
Und keine Sonderzeichen verwenden (weder im Verzeichnis noch im Dateinamen der Bilder)
geht ganz normal.
sonderzeichen sind auch keine drin.
die rechte sind okay, der upload funktioniert und auch das automatische erstellen der kleinen vorschaubilder.
sehr komisch irgendwie
Ähm, der Unterstrich im Verzeichnisnamen ist ein Sonderzeichen. Der eguläre Ausdruck, den ich zur Zeit verwende, erkennt nur ganze Wörter.
ohne sonderzeichen:
aber der grund scheint es nicht gewesen zu sein – laden ja, rest nein.
p.s. sorry das ich hier deine kommentare vollmülle, aber trotzdem tausend dank für die hilfe schon mal
Nop, die Verzeichnisrechte sind falsch. Ich kann das Bild nicht aufrufen. Prüf noch mal die Rechte von myfotos, koeln und koeln04.jpg
so jetzt geht es …
in der pdf-anleitung steht, dass man die rechte für den myfotos-ordner auf chmod(766) setzen soll
bei mir geht es jetzt nur, wenn ich die rechte von myfotos auf chmod(777) setze und die ornder (galeriename) und alle bilder darin ebenfalls manuell auf chmod(777) stelle. etwas umständlich aber dann geht.
danke für die hilfe.
Der Fehler in der Dokumentation ist für Version 1.0 behoben. 766 scheint nicht bei allen zu laufen. Ebenfalls behoben ist das Problem mit den Rechten, die myGallery setzt. Zur Anpassung vorab kanst du in der Datei mygallerymain.php in den Zeile 48 und 49 die Rechte anpassen: Statt 0776 sollte da 0777 stehen, 0666 kann im Prinzip so bleiben (unbedingt die führende 0 nicht vergessen!).
Super Plugin. Echt gute Arbeit! Aber ich hab ein Problem. Ich hab gelesen, das das Plugin in PHP SAFE MODE nicht geht. Was geht da genau nicht?
Denn ich kann Gallerien erstellen usw. (also alles) nu eines geht nicht. Mir die Bilder im Post anzeigen zu lassen.
Ich hab zum testen, diese Quciktags eingebunden. Aber es sie werden nur so ausgegeben und nicht umgesetzt. Liegt das am Safe Mode?
Recht usw. sind alle okay. Ich kann die Bilder auch direkt aufrufen, die werden auch in der Gallerieübersicht in den Optionen angezeigt.
@Matthias: Sehr ungewöhnlich. Welche Version von myGallery verwendetst du? Am Safe Mode liegt es nicht, der beeinflusst nicht das Parsen der Tags. Ich müsste schon genau wissen, welche Namen du der Galerie gegeben hast (keine Sonderzeichen im Namen …). Ein Blick auf deine Seite wäre auch hilfreich.
Ich nutze die Version 0.5.8, weil bier der 1.0 Version überhaupt nix geht, da kann ich keine ordner über das Optionspanel erstellen und Nilderupload geht auch net, daher 0.5.8.
Name der Gallerie: „gallery“ (ohne „“)
Blick auf die Seite:
@Matthias: In der Version 1.0 sind die Optionen für die Safe Mode deaktiviert, die nicht einwandfrei im Safe Mode funktionieren. Das bei dir die Tags nicht verarbeitet werden, ist ziemlich ungewähnlich. Wenn du noch andere Plugins außer myGalelr verwendest, schalte diese mal ab und probier aus, ob es dann geht. Wenn ja, die Plugins nacheinander wieder aktivieren, bis sich der Fehler wieder zeigt.
Juhuuu ;-) Danke für den Tipp mit den Plugins deaktivieren. Es lag an dem Plugin „iGallery“, da sich eigentlich verwende wollte, aber dann hab ich dein plugin gesehen, da musste ich umsteigen *gggg*
So jetzt geht alles. Dankeschön!
Wieder jemanden glücklich gemacht :-) iGallery und myGallery vertragen sich in der Tat nicht.
This looks very promising and I just set up the gallery. However, I do get the thumbs in the post but when I click on one of the images, the page only loads half and stops where the image should have been. The source code also stops where the image should have been. Any tips?
@Pascal: Try to deactivate other plugins for testing. Maybe it depends on an other plugin that stops myGalelry from working. Chekc the size (in kb) of the picture. If it´s to big, PHP can cause a memory overflow – the graphic libary reads the picture to get the height and weight.
I already deactivated all plugins but of no avail. The images are only 50kb each so size shouldn’t be a problem. I will give it another try though with other pictures. The ones I am using now are jpg.
Ich muss leider nochmal stören *g*. Läuft jetzt einwandfrei, hab’s soweit angepasst, nur ein Problem hab ich noch. ich binde meine Gallerie mit „[myginpage=galleryname]“ in meine Beiträge ein. Dadurch sieht man ja das große Bild und unten drunter die Thumbails und wenn man die Thumbnails anklickt, wechselt das große Bild. Ich möchte aber, das mit die Picture Inline Description unter dem großen Bild und zwischen den Thumbnails angezeigt wird, wie wenn ich die Gallerie mit „[mygal=galleryname]“ einbinde. Ich hab schon fast die ganze Nacht probiert, aber nix hinbekommen. Ich hoffe du kannst mir da nochmal helfen.
@Matthias: Die Anzeige der Beschreibung ist bei Inlinegalerien (mit dem myginpage-Tag) bisher nicht vorgesehen. Ursache dafür ist die Handhabung. Der Wechsel der Bilder wird durch ein kleines JavaScript ermöglicht. Diese Script holt sich aber nicht die Bildbeschreibungen aus der Datenbank, denn dann müsste eine neue Anfrage an den Server gestellt werden, die mittels PHP verarbeitet wird.
Echt super schönes und gutes Plugin. Spitzen Arbeit!
Nur eines stört mich noch. Man kann unter den Optionen einstellen, das das Script das Originalbild auf die Breite XXX (Höhe wird automatisch berechnet) einstellen. Ist es möglich, dass das Script nur Bilder die größer als der Wert XXX sind auf eine Breite von XXX zu verkleinern?
Wenn nicht, wäre eine solche Funktion für die nächste Version sicherlich nicht schlecht ;-)
Grüße Thorsten
thanks for the plugin!
is it possible to have a sub gallery preview under a the main gallery preview.?
Main Gallery Preview
Gallery Preview1 > Sub Gallery 1 > Gallery 1.a
Sub Gallery 2 > Gallery 1.b
Gallery Preview2 > Gallery 1
@jvNET: This maybe a feature a a future relase. Actually, there are no subgallerys.
Thorsten W.: Ich nehm das mal ans Anregung für die nächste Version.
Thank you for a great Gallery. I have a slight problem when I upgraded to 1.01 in that I find the thumbnails stretch across the page instead of in blocks to keep the shape of the content section of my theme in WordPress. The URL is:
Can you help?
Great script man… thank you!
Thank you for this lovely gallery and recent update! So wonderful! Works beautifully on 2 sites.
I am wondering about the „Random picture in the sidebar of your blog“ function. I have copied the tag into my sidebar but nothing happens. Can I try anything more?
würde das Plugin gerne nutzen. Bekomme beim Upload der zip-Dateien allerdings immer folgende Fehlermeldung:
exec() has been disabled for security reasons in /www/htdocs/v034344/wp-content/plugins/mygallery/myfunctions/mygallerymain.php on line 85
Datei konnte nicht entpackt werden!
Woran liegt`s?
@Breger: Mhm, can`t see a stretching on your page. Thumbnails fit into the layout. (Used Browser: Safari). Maybe you should send me a screenshoot.
@holly:To use the random function, you must inculde
function call in your sidebar. If this doesn`t work, you can send me your sidebar file and I check this for you.
@Benedikt: Dein Provider lässt den Aufruf des Unzip-Programms niht zu. Damit kannst du nur Bilder per FTP hochladen oder einzelne Bilder uber das Upload-Formular von myGallery.
I know why the random pic is not working for Holly.
it is now:
it should be:
The “ ‘ “(accent mark) should be replaced with an apostrophe “ ‚ “. After making that change, it works fine on mine.
Sorry, some code got lost in my first post:
I know why the random pic is not working for Holly.
it is now:
it should be:
The “ ‘ “(accent mark) should be replaced with an apostrophe “ ‘ “. After making that change, it works fine on mine.
When I hit my galler browser button on tinyMCE editor i got the message:
Warning: require_once(C:Program Filesxampphtdocswwwaj//wp-config.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\www\taj\wp-content\plugins\mygallery\myfunctions\mygallerybrowser.php on line 15
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‚C:Program Filesxampphtdocswwwaj//wp-config.php‘ (include_path=‘.;C:\Program Files\xampp\php\pear‘) in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\www\taj\wp-content\plugins\mygallery\myfunctions\mygallerybrowser.php on line 15
I like to have more single file upload fields in myGallery generator like on a flickr upload page. 7 fields is very comfortable for me.
That is because my server does not have the exec function enabled for zip upload to run. And it is very uncomfortable to click round and round upload and wait. :-( I’m on 52 kb/s.
There is a multilingual bug in my gallery options.
Sort galleries by ID (východzie)
Sort galleries by name
Sort galleries by number
Sort galleries ascending or descending
That fields are showing twice. Once in Slovak and once in english.
I will continue in testing and contact you with my results.
Sorry for 10. März 2006 um 07:15 Uhr
comment now I see that only buggy thing is my translation file.
I will submit a new one.
But I still can not see the whole image preview without Lightbox JS.
@Vizualblod: Is there still the bug with the tinyMCe editor?
A upload form for multiple files will be included in the next version. Actually, I`m doing some AJAX-Stuff to improve myGallery.
Great gallery, but I have a question.
„2. Collection of galleries…place the tag [mygallistgal] on the page“ I did that, but the galleries don’t show up like they do in the example. Here’s how mine show up.
How can I get them to show up like the example?
ein Problem hab ich doch noch unter Windows XP:
An welcher Stelle wird für myGallery der Pfad herangezogen?
Im My Gallery Generator steht folgender Pfad der mir ziemlich krumm aussieht durch die unterschiedlichen slashes im Pfad. Vorne im Pfad backslashes im hinteren Teil forwardslashes:
Es ist mir daher nicht möglich neue Galerien anzulegen.
Weiss jemand rat, wo der Serverpfad ggf. anzupassen ist???
@Joe: Your gallery looks ok for me. To format the gallery, use css.
i setup mygalery correctly. but i can‘ upload photo.
i can create gallery.
when i try upload a zip file with images from my harddrive this error occur:“Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in F:\Eren\Web\www\Wordpress\wp-content\plugins\mygallery\myfunctions\mygallerymain.php on line 66″
when i try import pictures from a folder on the server this error occur: „Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in F:\Eren\Web\www\Wordpress\wp-content\plugins\mygallery\myfunctions\mygallerymain.php on line 369“
when i try upload to a gallery a single picture or zip file this error occure: „Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in F:\Eren\Web\www\Wordpress\wp-content\plugins\mygallery\myfunctions\mygallerymain.php on line 135“
What i do wrong?
Hey, cooles WordPress Plugin.
1.) Meine Dateinamen der Photos sind teilweise sehr lang. D.h. die Zeilen unter „Galerie Verwaltung“ sind zu breit und ich muss ewig nach rechts scrollen.
2.) Ich z.B. zwei „Pages“ mit Photos erstellt, dazu eine weitere als Übersicht zu den beiden Gallerien. Wie kann ich mir nun, unter Pages, nur die Gallery Seite anzeigen lassen?
Viele Grüße
Nice tool… Wondering is it possible to make picture open in new window from thumb
@ripper: That needs only a change in JavaScript.
I have a problem with the gallery directory. I didn´t put the „/“ at the end of the path, so it is shown as „site/galeria“. When i try to make a new gallery named, say, „fotografia“ the plug-in try to create „site/galeriafotografia“ instead of „site/galeria/fotografia“.
How can i change the path?
@Wysiwyg: Put comments ( // ) in line 19 and line 75 of the file mygalleryinstall.php. Activate the plugin. You could now change the path. Remove the comments after this.
It worked perfectly. Thanks a lot!
Lightbox 2.01 ist erschienen. Kann ich die Skriptdateien für meine mygallery einfach austauschen und somit Lightbox updaten?
@Dennis: Berichten anderer Nutzer zu folge ja. Ich selber habe es noch ausprobiert, werde das aber im Rahmen der gerade entstehenden Version 1.1 von myGallery auf jeden Fall noch machen.
Thanks for the plugin. I trying it out now. When I installed it, I somehow set up my path for my galleries as: „/wp-content/i/“
I would like to revert it back to the default: „/wp-content/myfotos/“
How can I change it back?
@pcb: See my coment to Wysiwyg so comments above.
tbloley, thanks for the quick response. I saw your comments to Wysiwyg but when I looked in the mygalleryinstall.php file, it did not make sense to me so I didn’t change it. Using Mac OS X and TextWrangler, line 19 appears to be:
if ($mg_options[mgversion]!=’1.0′) {
Line 75 only has a close bracket „}“
Looking around the file a bit, I found these lines that looked like the right lines:
I commented these and it seemed to work. Did I get it right? Thanks for the plugin and all the great support.
@pcb: If you comment out the line you first mention, myGallery will ask for the path again after reactivating. So try this instead. Don´t forget to remove the comments after this.
Btw.: I use JEdit on my iMac. It´s a great free editor with many plugins (seee for details).
tboley, it worked perfectly. Also, I am downloading JEdit now. A small donation is on the way to you as a token of appreciation.
@pcb: recived :-) Thx!
What about sharpening of images so they won’t be so ugly looking, I want image to be 100×100 but everytime I upload it dosent sharpning them..
Vielen Dank für dieses großartige Plugin. Leider habe ich noch ein Problem… Da wollte ich mal nachfragen bevor ich selbst nach ner Lösung suche :) Vielleicht ists ja bekannt!?
Ich stelle nach der Installation die Optionen ein, erstelle ein paar Galleries mit Bildern und gehe pennen. Am nächsten Tag guck ich nochma rein, und die Optionen sind geresettet. Die Gallerien sind vorhanden aber werden leider nicht mehr so angezeigt, wie ich das wollte. So geht das jetzt seit drei Tagen.
Ich hab das gestern mal morgens eingestellt, abends war noch alles ok. Heute morgen wieder reset! Jemand ne idee !?
Hi tboley,
please, can you help me and describe me how can I do gallery without this links: /?page_id=
I would like to have gallery like you: with automatically links…
Thank you for every answer.
Hello again. Another question. Whenever I use the „myginpage“ tag, the photo currently selected is not scaled correctly (proportion is wrong for portraits). See an example here (click last photo):
It works OK with with the „mygal“ tag. See here:
I have tried to fix this through the options but with no luck. Any advice?
@ripper: I will change the square thumbnail function in the next mayor version.
@markezz: Probier mal folgendes aus. In der Datei mygallerinstall.php in Zeile 19 die 1 durch 1.1 ersetzen. Ich habe da wohl vergessen, das an die neue Version anzupassen.
@Kika: Try to activate the Peralink setings in WordPress.
@pcb: Check myGallery – Options – Refresh height und weight for inline gallery pictures
This should work .
toley. It worked! Thank you, Danke, Merci, Efharisto.
I meant to write „tboley“ in the previous message.
@pcb :-)
tboley, the „Digital Hoopla : myGal inline pics“ link in the comments above is only a temporary website I set up for experimentation . It’s probably good to remove that comment from this page. The „Velvet Foghorn link“ is permanent though, so it’s OK to leave that. Thanks.
Great plug in !
I have a question about it !
I have many photos in one gallery, 70 photos exactly and the thumbnails are showing up in one page…
Could you tell me how to show up 35 thumbnails with a link at the botton to the 35 next ?
@Phoenix: This will be an option in the next release. So stay tuned :-)
@pcb: Done! „above coment“ was relative, because I have sepperated comments from trackbacks and pings …
Thanks Tboley…. Wait and see so !! ;-)
So I have a problem with th INSPIC argument for to include an image oh my gallery in a post
See here :
See the float left is not good ! The text isn’t on the same line of the photo !!
Why ?
Thanks for your help !
@Phoenix: The text is on the same line, but the the padding-top of the picture frame isn´t. Maybe it helps to move the text a few pixels up.
i have installed my gallery and i thin that it is preaty good plugin. but i have some configuration problem :P. I would like to my static pages wont be seenable in menu of site and all photos should be opened in new window… could you help me ??
@Dalton: There ist no option to show Pictures in a new window. The classic traget=_blank ist not XHTML strict valid.
To exlude static pages form the menu of the site, do open the file of your theme displaying the links to your pages (mostly sidepar.php).
Look for the folowing line:
<?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=ID&title_
li=’); ?>
you can exclude pages by adding an option to the wp_list_pages function call:
<?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=ID&title_
li=&exclude=idofyourpage1,idofyourpage2’); ?>
i have managed the problem about static pages, but now i cant upload my photos. i see that communicate
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 10485760 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 5120 bytes) in /home/djteam/public_html/dalton/wp-content/plugins/mygallery/myfunctions/mygalleryfunctions.php on line 353
could someone help me plz :)??
@Dalton: Check the size of your photos. Did you upload them as an zip-archive? Big images can cause an out of memory error in php.
Hallo ich habe mygallery im Einsatz und bin hellauf begeistert. Es gibt viele Online-Galerien mit Integration für WordPress, jedoch keine vergleichbare. Soviel zur Lobhudelei ;-)
Folgendes Problem: Wenn meine Verzeichnisnamen der Galerien sehr lang werden, ist im Post nur noch der „plain Text“ zu sehen, also [mygal=2006-03-05-heute-eine-neue-galerie-erstellt].
Nachdem ich nun einiges ausprobiert habe, komme ich zu dem Schluß, dass es nicht mehr als 8-9 Zeichen pro Pfadnamen sein dürfen.
Sitzt das Problem 50cm vor dem Bilderschirm?
Gehostet habe ich bei 1und1 und nutze WordPress 2
@Hans: Erstmal Danke. Galeriename sollten in der Tat nicht sehr lang sein. Allerdings gibt es auch eine Änderung bei der Namensauflösung – in der aktuellen Beta-Version sollte das Problem nicht mehr auftreten. Wenn doch, noch mal melden.
@Thomas – Das Ergebnis sieht wie folgt aus:
Verzeichnis: [mygal=06-winter-taufkirchen] – geht nicht
Verzeichnis: hugo2 – geht
Verzeichnis: 1234567890 – geht
Im Plugin-Ordner wird Version 1.1b6 angezeigt. Hie ein temporärer Link zur Seite:
@Hans: Besten Dank, das hilf mir weiter. Der Fehler liegt darin, wie myGallery den Ausdruck interpretiert. Zwar meckert myGallery nicht mehr, wenn man versucht, eine Galerie mit Bindestrichen anzulegen, aber ich habe vergessen, die Regel für den Mustervergleich anzupassen.
Werde ich bis zur nächsten Beta beheben!
@Thomas: Danke vor ab.
@Hans: Probier mal die Version 1.1b7 aus. Jetzt solle es klappen.
I just upgraded to Mygallery1.1. I do however have a problem. When I try to import pictures I have FTP:ed to a folder in myfotos I get the following error:
”Fatal error: Call to undefined function: () in /home/xxx/xxxx/wp-content/plugins/mygallery/myfunctions/mygallerymain.php on line 106”
How do I solve this?
@gus: It seems that there is a bug in current version of myGaller in this case. I will check this. A patched version should be available till tomorrow.
Thanks for all of the work you have put into myGallery. It is a wonderful plugin. I’ve got everything working, but I would like to know if it is possible to display image descriptions with the thumbnails on a page.
Right now, I have „[mygal=pencils]“ on a page and it displays all of the thumbnails in the „pencils“ gallery. Ideally, I would like to have the descriptions for each image next to or below each thumbnail. Is this possible?
@clay: I will take this as a feature request for the next version :-)
Thanks! I’ll be looking forward to it!
hi, that a great plug!!!, thanks, but i have a problem, i want a gallery like the no. 2. Collection of galleries but don´t work for me, look the example on page call Fotos Test
Hi, is there a way to change the amount of text I can put in the ‚Description‘ box?
I want to put in MORE than is currently allowed, which seems to be 255 characters?
Any pointers or suggestions would be very very greatly received.
Thanks in advance.
It’s ok – I found where I needed to change it – TINYTEXT to TEXT.
Just out of interest though – will this have any implications with anything else?
@Davinian: No, you can change this without any problems.
@benny: To get a collection of galleries, you need one page with the tag mygallistgal an one page for each gallery with the tag mygal=name (both tags in brackets)
Hi there – many thanks for sharing and supporting this fantastic wordpress plugin. I’d really like to do the „collection of Galleries“ and have it look like the like the example in the instructions above (Number 2)- unfortunately I can’t get my head around the instructions on this page – and I can’t read the German PDF instructions (which look great).
My site is as follows.
Thanks in advance
@Phildog: Die you tried the instructions from the first trackback on this page? Afasik I should help.
You need a page for each gallery and a page for the gallery overview. Then you should enter WordPress IDs oft those pages in the gallery settings (page_id) for each gallery.
All good thanks tboley. I have followed the instrcutions and I am almost 100% happy. I am still 1% not happy becuase I have [mygal=the-checks] appearing on my pages and can’t work out how to get rid of it. Any tips?
Also, is it possible to move the FORWARD and BACK links so they are on top of the images?
many thanks all
@Phildog: The Tag you mentoin should disapear if you use the new beat version. There was a bug in the regular expression. I hope this is fixed now. To move the navigation to the top of the images, you can use the style sheet classes mypicfor and mypicback or you can change the code.
Instruction for Version 1.2b2: Open the file mygalleryfunctions.php
Look for line 1035: $replace=$replace.'<div class= …
remove thhe line and put the content betweeen the single quotaion markes in a new line between 1025 and 1026
Hi there! Seems like a great plugin.
I posted a question though at the wordpress forum.
Do you have any idea?
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards, Dennis
Sorry for previous post. I didn’t read everything, haha.
Guten morgen tboley,
Ne, ich habe Dein myGallery (mG) noch nicht installiet jedoch bereits runter geladen ;)
Ich bin gerade dabei mir WPv2 einzurichten und auszuprobieren. Zurzeit nutze ich b2Evolution bin jedoch niocht ganz zufrieden wegen Referer und Comment Spam das ich nicht mehr los werde. Zum anderen finde ich kein geeignetes Photo-Blog/-plugin. Nach dem lesen Deiner Seite und der Kommentare habe ich also mG runtergeladen. Doch erlaube mir gleich folgendes einzuwerfen mit der hoffnung entweder schon was in der richtung zu finden oder aber dies als Anregung für Deine Entwicklungen zu sehen.
Wen ich das richtig verstanden habe basiert mG auf mySQL auf (hatte ich irgendwo oben gelesen) dies ist ein punkt auf den ich schaue. Ein anderer wichtiger aspekt ist der folgende (kann alles etwas Paranoid gesehen werden aber ist nun mal so): ich möchte es den Leuten nicht leicht machen meine Bilder einfach so vom Server holen zu können. Deshalb währe es sinvoll beim anzeigen der Bilder den wirklichen Pfadnamen nicht anzuzeigen. Ich hatte dieses feature an einer Photo SW mal gesehen. Der andere punkt ist das Bild handling selbst. Ich würde gerne beim anzeigen des Bilder (Thumbn oder Original) einen Overlay (??) machen wo Copyright Informationen drauf sind. Ich stelle mir dies so vor; wen ein Bild dargestellt werden muss macht das Plugin eine Kopie des Bildes und verknüpft es mit einem anderen Bild (Bild Template) wo die Copyright Infos drauf sind. Gut zu sehen ‚a la Google Earth‘. Ich hatte mal gehört, dass man dies mit PHP machbar ist. Kopiert jemand also Dein Bild, dann immer mit diesem Bild Template auf dem Eigentlichen Bild.
Was meinst Du? Ist dies realisierbar auf Deiner Seite? BTW – sorry für diesen langen Eintrag.
–|auf der Suche
–|nach einem
–|Photblog PlugIn für WPv2
Dar ich Dir kurz darauf hinweisen, dass ab dem Eintrag von „D.M.“ vom 1. Juni 2006, 19:49 Uhr bei mir alles verkleinert dargestellt wird (auch mein posting). Vermutlich wegen des „.“ (punkt) im Namen von „D.M.“. Ich verwende Firefox.
@DuneBlog: Habe ich auch gerade gesehen. Sehr merkwürdig. Mal sehen, woran das liegt. Aber zu deinen Fragen. Ja, myGallery benötigt MySQL – wie WordPress auch. Es legt aber keine eigene Datenbank an, sondern lediglich drei Tabellen in der WordPress Datenbank. Der wirkliche Pfadname steht im Quelltext. Mit mod_rewrite könnte aber an der Stelle geschraubt werden. In Version 1.3 wird es die Mölichkeitgeben, Bilder mit einem Wasserzeichen zu versehen. Allerdings dauerhaft und nicht on the fly, da dies bei jedem Laden der Seite Performance fressen würde.
Morgen tboley,
Habe es in Opera (v8.54) probiert, dort sieht es normal aus.
Jetzt ja. Habe den Schuldigen gefunden (ich selber). Schau mal auf meinen Kommentar vom 19. Mai 2006, 07:56 Uhr …
Guten morgen tboley,
Wollte Dir nur mal diesen link posten. Darf man Deine Meinung dazu erfahren?
Gruss DuneBlog
@tboley – kommt jetzt richtig rüber, auch bei Firefox. Und, sorry für meine Ignoranz, was war den der auslöser?
@tboley: das ist positiv mit der v1.3. Jedoch ist das mit dem „dauerhaften“ Wasserzeichen insofern nicht brauchbar, da man alles doppelt halten muss. Das Wasserzeichen ist ja nicht viel an KB und das Bild sollte ja ehe nicht mehr als 45KB haben. Somit denke ich mit normaler Verbindung müsste dies doch auch irgendwie gehen – oder? Gibt es noch andere möglichkeiten als die oben beschriebenen?
Zum den Pfad- und Bild Namen. Ich stellte gerade fesst, dass ich mich „nur“ auf den Pfad bezog. Auch den Datei (Bild-) Namen sollte nicht als Original zu sehen sein.
Gruss DuneBlog
@DuneBlog: Nicht codierte Entities.
Zu Folderblog: Ein müdes Lächeln. myGallery bietet eine vollständige Integration in WordPress, womit dann auch ein einheitliches Design des Blogs gewährleistet ist. Zudem gibt es die Option, Zufallsbilder in der Sidebar anzeigen zu lassen, Einzelbilder in Artikeln unterzubringen und nicht zu vergessen Lighbox JS ist auch mit dabei.
Ach ja, bevor ich es vergesse: deutschprachiger Support ;-)
Es geht nicht um die KB, die das Wasserzeichen hat, sonder darum, daß das Bild jedes mal, wenn die Seite aufgerufen wird, mi8t diesem versehen würde – die Verwendung der Grafikfunktionen mittels PHP ist rechenintesiv. Allerdings steht es jedem frei, myGallery seinen eigene Bedpürfnissen anzupassen (solange die Lizensbestimmungen eingehalten werden). Den Sinn des Verbigens von Bilderpfaden kann ich schon nachvollziehen, nur frage ich mich, ob sich der Aufwand tatsächlich lohnt. Ich als Surfer würde im zweifelsfall einfach ein Bildschirmfoto machen und dann hätte ich das Bild auch.
@tboley; (12. Juni 2006, 10:37 Uhr)
Bist Du bereits beim gähnen? ;) Deine Vorteilsliste hört sich gut an. Nur, was ist „Lighbox JS“? Wieder so ne ignoranz von mir *gg*. Ach, einen Deutschen Support hast Du auch? Das ist ja grossartig da darf wiedermal Deutsch geschrieben werden. :)
zum Wasserzeichen: ne mG möchte ich nicht verbiegen da ich PHP nicht behersche – leider. Mal eine rein praktische Frage hierzu. Wan wird dan mittles mG das Wasserzeichen auf’s Bild gelegt? Beim ersten Aufruf oder gleich nach dem Upload?
Gruss aus dem Orient
@DuneBlog: Lighbox JS dient zum Anzeigen der Fotos. Geht mal auf die Seite myGallery und klick auf eines der Bilder, dann soltest du sehen (wenn JavaScript eingeschaltet ist), was ich meine. Das Wasserzeichen wird beim Upload auf Wunsch eingebrannt, denn da werden die Bilder eh verarbeitet.
Grüße aus Bielefeld (mindestens so exotisch wie der Orient, siehe Bielefeldverschwörung bei Wikepedia).
@tboley: ja das ist schön. Bei den Kadens finde ich es etwas netter gemacht. So mit Mousover für ‚Nächstes Bild‘ und das ‚Close x‘.
BTW – gehörst Du zu den Verschwörern?
@DuneBlog: Das bei den Kadens ist Lighbox 2. myGallery bietet dir die Wahl zwischen der alten und er neuen Version von Lightbox. Ich nutze noch die alte, da mir die neue vom Umfang her zu fett ist.
BTW.: Nein, ich wurde importiert…
I would also like to change the code in mygalleryfunctions.php to move the navigation to the top of the images but it only shows 500+ lines in that file in my text reader (Text Wrangler in OS X). Is there another way I can locate line 1035 and then lines 1025 and 1026 to paste between?
If you are on Mac OS X (like me) I recommended jEdit, a free Editor with helpful plugins – I use jEdit for my programming stuff. You will find him here:
I tried opening mygalleryfunctions.php with jEdit and TextWrangler and in each case the document is exactly 600 lines. Maybe I am looking at the wrong file. The file I am looking at is located in wp-content > plugins > mygallery > myfunctions. How can I locate the lines you cite to make the proper changes? Thanks again.
@pcb: I will send you a file with the changes you want via email. Another user aked me the same a few weeks ago, so I have worked out a solution.
@tboley: Thanks for the file (I just got it). You are the best when it comes to support!!!Unfortunately, it did not work for me. After installing it, my blog wouldn’t show up at all so I just put the old file back and everything is normal again. I compared the files and as you suspected, there are a few lines of code that are different because it was an older version. BTW, I am using WP 2.0.3 in case it matters. Anyway, don’t worry it, because I’ve decided to solve my problem in a different manner. You don’t have to read the rest. I am including it in slim chance someone else visiting here is interested in it.
Basically, I wanted the previous and next above the pic because every time you advance to the next pic, the screen redraws and the navigation disappears and you have to scroll down to get to it again. I found this disrupts the flow of the picture viewing so, what I’v decided to do is use a different page template for my galleries and remove my banner to give the visitor more room up top and so that the navigation links stay visible on the screen (on most people’s screens anyway) without scrolling down.
Anyway, if anyone is interested in doing something like this, there is a good description about page templates in the WP support section. You can see what I did over on my blog. This is my home page, and this is my galleries section. As you can see, since I was mucking about, I decided to use a different CSS for the photo galleries. I just did this all last night so it may need some tweaking.
Cheers and thanks for all the great support.
It’s me again. Sorry to bug you. While I was fixing up my galleries I thought, „It sure would be nice to able to sort galleries on the main gallery page by Gallery Long Name.“ Any chance there is a way to do that? If not, maybe in the next version of myGallery? The other thought I had (for doing something right now) is to rename the albums in myfotos forf my existing galleries. Say one is named Parade and you want it to be first. Could you rename it 001Parade? I didn’t try it because I imagine myGallery would lose track of it and muck everything up but if you have an idea I can try, let me know. Thanks again for everything.
@pcb: I put your sorting list on th ewishlist for version 1.3. Should be no problem to do this. On teh other hand is the rennaming option. Planed for long time, but the main problem ist, that this maye only work for users with php safe mode off. But I will think of it. Maybe a feature for 1.4 or so.
@tboley: If you add the sort by gallery long name feature, then I see no need for renaming so you can probably just drop that request. The only reason I though of renaming was to control the sort order. Thanks!
Keine Ahnung, ob es mal irgendwann irgendjemandem bei der Lösung seines Problems hilft.
Ich setze BinaryBlue als Theme ein, das ja ebenfalls mit einem Lightbox Plugin daher kommt. Und die beißt sich wohl mit der Version von myGallery. Das gibt extrem unschöne Ergebnisse (Close Button viel zu weit auf der rechte Seite, so dass ich die Scrollbalken benutzen muss, große Weißflächen).
Meine Lösung:
Einfach die Lightbox Verzeichnisse unterhalb von plugins/mygallery umbenennen (bzw. dann später löschen). Dann siehst alles wieder so aus, wie es wohl aussehen soll.
PS: Riesenkompliment übrigens für Dein Plugin!
Mhm, ich kenne BinaryBlue nicht. Hat es auch eine Variante von Lightbox eingebaut?
Danke für die Blumen :-)
Hi tboley,
Quick stupid question.
How do you actually add a gallery?!?
Under gallary manangement I can select a gallery but the listbox is empty. There’s no „add gallery“ button?
Using 1.5 and your latest plugin.
„Quick stupid question.
How do you actually add a gallery?!?“
Go to the first sub-tab under the main myGallery tab. The sub-tab is also named myGallery. Now, choose:
„Upload a zip file with images from my harddrive:“
Select your zip file and click submit. The gallery will be named whatever your zip file name is.
I don’t see a upload zip file section ??
Do you?
@james: Your screen is different than mine, but I am using WP 2.0.3. Maybe the author or someone else can help. Here is what my screen looks like:
@James: Yoru Domain lies on a server with php safe mode on. Only the provider can change this. With safe mode, most file operations are not permited for php scripts, so myGallery can´t create folders. For each gallery you want, you must create a a folder in the myfotos folder. You should then create inside the gallery folderthe folder tumbs (without h) for the thumbnails.
Hi, I am having a few troubles with the integrated Lighbox 2.0. It is not being aligned correctly. If you go to my website, you’ll know what I mean:
Let me know if you can help, thanks
Thanks guys – safe mode off = more options now appear.
Perhaps make it more clear? Put a notice that checks if safe mode is on or not.
@James: You can see a warning after the first installation, on the same screen where you choose the language.
@Phuc Nguyen: Strange. What ist the file size of your photos? Whoch version of myGallery did you use and which version of the Lighbox Plugin you choose? myGallery has build in Lightbox 1 and Lightbox 2.
Hi, I’m having problems after I upgraded to 1.2. Anybody know what the following error means? I encounter it when I try and access any of the galleries from the „Gallery Management“ tab? and when I look at the galleries on my site! Think it’s a MySQL db problem – but would appriciate any pointers…
WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1]
SELECT * FROM wp_mypictures,wp_mygprelation,wp_mygallery WHERE = AND wp_mygprelation.gid = 1 AND =1 ORDER BY wp_mypictures.
Kann ich irgendwie vorgeben, aus welcher Gallerie die Zufallsbilder ezeugt werden?
I have found a work-around to my problem (see 2 comments up) if anybody else experiences it.
I had to force myGallery to run the mygalleryinstall.php file again. This is explained above somewhere near the top as a way to resolve the problem of forgetting to include a trailing slash ‚/‘ after your custom photos folder.
To force myGallery to re-run the install file, comment out the following
with two slashes ‚//‘ in the mygalleryinstall.php file (it’s inside the myfunctions folder). Upload/over-write the file on your live site. Deactivate and then reactivate myGallery plug-in, click the myGallery Tab and then re-enter you custom photos folder name.Remove the two ‚//‘ from the install file and re-upload it otherwise you may find it tries to run the install every time you click the myGallery Tab.
Not sure what caused my original problem, or why this resolves it – but think it may have been due to upgrading myGallery to 1.2.
Hope this helps…
@Alex: Nein, du kannst nur vorgeben, aus welchen Galerien die Zufallsbilder nicht genommen werden sollen.
Vielleicht hab ich ein Brett vor dem Kopf, und wie gebe ich an „aus welchen Galerien die Zufallsbilder nicht genommen werden sollen“ ?
Ich sehe nur das ein Parameter übergeben wird bei myrandompic ?? Verwirrung….
Hi there,
Very nice plugin! I have one question though, how do i create an gallery? I’m using wordpress 2.0.3! I tried to read the PDF but my german is not that good to understand it!
@Alex: Momentan wird dazu einfach aus, in der Galeriverwaltung die Option „von der Übersicht ausschließen“ zu aktivieren. Dann werden Bilder der betreffende Galerie nicht mehr bei den Zufallsbildern berücksichtigt.
I keep getting this error:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 6400 bytes) in /var/www/html/ on line 379
when ever I try to upload an image. The specific image in question is only 92kb, is this too big? and if so how can I mess around with this to make it handle larger images?
I’m stuck right from the start. I’m developing on a Windows machine, then deploying to a *Nix server.
Problem is, during the myGallery option setup, my default path is:
Everything is correct, exept the trailing „/. It seems that this doesn’t play well with Windows.
P.S. I’m using a XAMPP setup on Windows XP.
@Rhys: The allowed memory size depends on the seetings on the server. See the last point in this FAQ-list:
Imageprocessing needs mehr than 8 MB. GD lib needs minimum 16 MB, better 32 MB.
@Alfred: Follow the URL o the first trackback on this page. The short descreption there shhould help.
@OutsideOfDreams: I know this problem, but actually I didn´t found a solution for this – I`m developing on a Mac (Unix for Dummys ;-)
If you get it to work, please let me know your solution, because I had some request from other windows user.
@tboley: Thanks for the reply, one solution that I have seen is to create a variable called „DS“ which you set to the file systems directory seperator. „\“ on Windows and „/“ on *Nix. Once you detect what directory seperator to use, just replace all the slashes with .DS. (only where you access files from the file system, not URIs).
@OutsideOfDreams: Sounds good. How did you detect what directory seperator to use?
I found a nice snipet of code that should fit the bill:
I guess PHP already has a variable built in for the Directory Separator.
@OutsideOfDreams: Great! I will include this in version 1.3.
This is an amazing plugin! Great job! =)
Are there any plans to include watermark support?
@Ricardo: Yes, it will be a feature in Vesion 1.4.
Great! =) Thanks!
So glad your English is better than my German! :)
I was writing to tell you about some problems I was having, then I discovered the MyGalleryBrowser button in edit-page mode. WOW!!! It does everything and more!!!
I do have one question….how do I get the settings to „stick“ on the mygallerybrowser pop-up window? There is no „save“ settings, and every time I close the browser, I lose whatever changes I made to align, popup, etc.
Amazing plugin, just what I needed for my staff directory.
@kiki: Actually there is no save option for the settings in the myGallery browser.The settings can be different for each picture. so the only way would be to save the settings in the database. I don´t see a need for this.
@kiki: Seems that something hat eaten your comments. I could see them in cocomment, but nut in my blog :-(
The missing descriptions in inlinegallerys is a bug – this will be fixed in the next relase (in a few days).
Hi tboley,
Thank you for a fantastic gallery. It works very well. I am contemplating using it for a project I am working on. One thing I have noticed in the testing of this is that I am unable to modify the thumbnails. I am in the pictures and thumbnail options within wordpress dashboard. And I set the thumbnails to 200 by 150 but nothing happens. It stays the same as before. Everything else in that dashboard panel seems to work but the thumbnail modification does not work. Do you have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong or need to change?
here is a link:
Vielen vielen dank!
Not sure what happened to my comments, but in a nutshell, I said it’s an AWESOME plugin!!!
And (for all the non-German speakers who can’t read the docs) you’ve GOT to try out the MyGalleryBrowser feature in your write/edit page area. If you haven’t found it, you’re missing all the best stuff this plugin offers!
tboley, do you plan on putting additional fields (more than just description) into the next version? It would be nice to have a few custom fields — it would expand the usefulness of the plugin greatly. And to have more control over where the existing fields show up — for example, to have the title of the image show up somewhere besides as a tooltip.
The option to choose TEXT instead of TINYTEXT might also be nice, for those who want a longer description of each image.
Great job, amazing features, so coooool! :)
@Chris: You need to refresh a galelry in order to modify the thumnails. Check the buttons in the gallery management. I choose this way because I often change the size of thumnails for a single picture and don´t want all my gallerys use the new size.
@kiki: Mhm, changing TINYTEXT to TEXT ist no problem. But I cant´t see who custom fields could be usefull. There must be a way to read the infos from the DB an put it on the page. Any sugestions or ideas?
I’ve solve a problem in your script when the exec() function is disabled on a server.
If your are interested contact me.
@Etienne: Sounds good. You have mail :-)
I’ve put my email in the form whe i ‚ve posted my message.
Can you see it ? I doesn’t want that anybody see my email.
How do i contact you ?
@Etienne: I found your eMail adress .-) You should have mail. Otherwise mail me to this adress: tboley(you now the symbol)
Ok , i’v found the email and i’ve answered.
Great plugin. One extra feature that would be useful would be the facility to order pictures using ‚up‘ and ‚down‘ buttons.
This would then save me having to rename my galleries to be in order.
Hope you can add it.
Thanks again,
@Mario: I have added this to the wishlist for futer version of the plugin.
@Etienne: Received your eMail, but didn´t I need an php skript to unzip?
I download the last version version in beta (1.3b7), because I can’t modify the size thumnails and it’s always the same thing.
I try to refresh my galerie, recreate it, rename it, chech the buttons in the management,…
What can I do now ?
This looks like a super plugin, but, i can’t get it working. Is there som problems with Windows servers?
I run:
WP 2.0.4
myGallery 1.0.5
There seems to be some sort af path problem.. fx: „Import pictures from a folder on the server: D:\Data\Sites\“. How do I set til right path?
When I try to enter the browser I just gets this error msg:
Warning: require_once( [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\Data\Sites\\wp-content\plugins\mygallery\myfunctions\mygallerybrowser.php on line 15
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‚‘ (include_path=‘.;C:\php5\pear‘) in D:\Data\Sites\\wp-content\plugins\mygallery\myfunctions\mygallerybrowser.php on line 15
I hope you can help me!
-Morten – Denmark
@Morten: There is a path problem in the plugin. My problem is, that I can´t test this, becuase I`m developing on a Mac (Mac OS X), so I use the Unix path structure. I´m still looking for a solution to fix the path problem…
@jeclic: I will check this. Maybe it´s just an option setting problem.
@jelic: It seems to be a cach problem. The pictures are resized, but the old versions still stay in the browser cache. Any sugestions to solve this? Refresh the page works, but din´t satisfy me.
Thanks for your respond.
No , it’s not a cach problem. I never work with the cach.
Then, I continue to test but I’ve no ideas :-(
@jelic: Are there any error messages in myGallery or the php log?
No messages in myGallery and in the logs.
I’ve no work again on this problem but I think I’ll find ;-))
Th mygallery plugin sounds interesting for my blog project… I have an issue and a question.
Issue :
I have the following error when I push the mygallery tinymce button :
Warning: main(c:program fileseasyphp1-8www//wp-config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\wp-content\plugins\mygallery\myfunctions\mygallerybrowser.php on line 15
Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required ‚c:program fileseasyphp1-8www//wp-config.php‘ (include_path=‘.;C:/Program Files/EasyPHP1-8\php\pear\‘) in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\wp-content\plugins\mygallery\myfunctions\mygallerybrowser.php on line 15
Question :
I will have several user of my blog and I want to allow them (in addition to write post) to add image in the gallery, is it possible?
@Pascal: The error ist a bug caused by the difernet pathsettings on windows machines. I`m trying to fix this a.s.a.p, but till now i didn´t found a solution to handle this – I have only access to a Mac.
The answer to your second question is yes. myGallery uses the old user-rights (and not the new role modell), but there should be no problem.
I really love your plugin. Just a very simple suggestion for the next version (or request for an explanation if it’s already possible in this version).
For the random image in the sidebar, would it be possible to make it so that the thumbnail that is displayed either links to the image or the gallery that contains the image?
I cant complete the process..the gallerynot appeared
@farina: I need more infos to be able to help you
@ttancm: Depens on your gallerys. If each gallery is on a single page (inserted by the gallery tag), you need to write down the ide of each page. Enter those ids in the gallery field page_id in the gallery management.
The galleries are in posts. Not on their own pages. Is it still possible that way?
I will tinker around with it a bit later when I have some time.
Seems to work with posts as well just by putting in the post id number. Thanks! =)
Just installed mygallery, on a trustix linux 2.2 machine with safe_mode „off“ and globals „on“. But i got the same error as Eren PALA, earlier:
[Mon Aug 28 22:54:00 2006] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /home/httpd/html/wp-content/plugins/mygallery/myfunctions/mygallerymain.php on line 146, referer:
Can it be my php settings?
Hope someone can help.
Rolf Deenen
Mhm, which version of PHP is on the server?
I use version 5.0.5. To be complete: here’s a link to my phpinfo.php:
There could be a bug in PHP 5.0.x, causing this problem – google for the error message. I tested mygallery on PHP 5.4.x without any problems.
Thank you tboley. You’ve sent me in the right direction. It indeed seems it’s an php 5.0.5 error. It is explained in
For me, i have no programming experience and i can’t fix this. I’ll try to upgrade to php 5.4something.
I m trying this gallery, who seems really great. I ve set it up without problem. I d just like too know if it possible to use images from a remote server ?
( I got a paid webhoster with few diskspace, and I got an other hoster with a lot of space ^^ )
@winz: Not possible, because PHP can´t modify files on remote server.
Hi, does anybody know if there is a way to add „if/else“ statements to the default MyGallery template (mygallerytmpl.php), so that I can display different text on the thumbnails page and different text again on the main image page?
i.e. on the thumbnail page it would say something like „Click on the thumbnail“. And on the main image page „Thanks for looking“.
I don’t really have any experience with php, but if somebody could point me in the right direction I would be very grateful.
Hi, another question – is there a way to display a random image from just one gallery?
@davinian: 1. Question: Should be possible. The key to solve this is the function myshowgallerys in mygalleryfunctions.php. There are the if/else statements. Take a look an try if you can include an echo statement with your text.
2. Question: You can exclude a gallery. In this case, random images would not be selected from the gallery. In a future version, I will include a special option for this.
Hello again, I have another question. I use a script on a lot of my sites which opens links marked with rel=“external in a new window, but for some reason when I display a gallery (not if I display individual pictures, only if I display using the mygal=xxx tag my script to open rel=external links in a new window doesn’t work. Any idea what might be causing the problem?
The script is really simple
function externalLinks() {
if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return;
var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName(„a“);
for (var i=0; i
(Hopefully wordpress doesn’t eat all this code I am copying in heh)
It did eat the code.
let’s try it again
function externalLinks() {
if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return;
var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName(„a“);
for (var i=0; i>anchors.length; i++) {
var anchor = anchors[i];
if (anchor.getAttribute(„href“) &&
anchor.getAttribute(„rel“) == „external“) = „_blank“;
window.onload = externalLinks;
You can see the problem on this post
Sorry, disregard both of the above posts, it wasn’t your plugin, my hosting company reinstalled a backup without notifying me and the script call got deleted. Sorry =)
Hi. I signed up for e-mail updates for this thread/comments. Can I turn it off?
@pcb: Done! :-)
Hey, you’ve designed a really great plugin for wordpress. Thanks a lot, on my page there is an example of it. I’ve got a question, are you planning to do a possible videogallery in the same style as mygallery?? is it difficult to do??
@EJ: There are plans for a new gallery – for pictures, music and videos. But there are two problems: time (it will take allot of my sparetiem) and video-codecs.
I have a strange problem. I tried the beta version of Mygallery and it worked without any problems. When I a few days later logged in to create new galleries, it was no longer possible in the admin interafce. Not even if I uninstall the beta version and then install version 1.2.1 the option is there.
Does anyone have a clue as to what could have heppend.
Ignore the above question. My web host had php safe mode activated all of a sudden. It is working fine now
Great plugin..
I need to use [myginpage=galleryname] as template function or insert in a custom field instead of use in the_content()..
It is possible? Thanks
I really like the MyGallery plugin.
That is, I like it on my localhost test site.
when it is live online, a lot is different.
under the admin-link mygallery, I have 4 options, including ‚create gallery‘.
On the online admin pages, I can only upload a single picture or copy from a folder on the server: I have only 2 options to choose from. And it seems impossible to create a new empty gallery.
Do you have any idea what is going wrong here?
nevertheless; thanks for the good work!
regards, thomas
I really need help. I’m trying to get this gallery working (it looks awesome!), but I keep getting errors that say the photos couldn’t be uploaded. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for this plugin, very nice !
Well i wanna remove the description of the gallerie when you create a collection of galleries. Just keep the name and the preview. I can’t find where i must remove this description.
Thanks for help.
Erstmal großes Dankeschön für dieses großartige Plugin.
Einen Vorschlag hätte Ich für die nächste Version:
Es wäre sehr schön verschiedene Thumbnail Kategorien erstellen zu können. So könnten zum Beispiel die Thumbs in den News größer sein als die Thumbs in den Gallerien.
Man müsste also vor dem Upload auswählen können, welche Thumbcategory für das Bild verwendet werden soll.
Das wärs schon an Vorschlägen!
@Dita: Eine gute Idee- ich werde das mal mit in die Wunschliste packen.
@scorcha: Try using css to hide the description with
.mygallerydescription { display:none }
[You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near “ at line 1]
SELECT * FROM wp_mypictures,wp_mygprelation,wp_mygallery WHERE = AND wp_mygprelation.gid = AND = „1201“ AND (wp_mypictures.picexclude IS NULL OR wp_mypictures.picexclude=0) ORDER BY wp_mypictures.
how to fix it?
[You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near “ at line 1]
SELECT * FROM wp_mypictures,wp_mygprelation,wp_mygallery WHERE = AND wp_mygprelation.gid = AND = „1201“ AND (wp_mypictures.picexclude IS NULL OR wp_mypictures.picexclude=0) ORDER BY wp_mypictures.
how to fix it?
Erstmal danke für das nette und simple plugin.
Zwei Probleme hätte ich da aber:
Zum werden die eckigen Klammern um die tags von meinem simplelink plugin als links interpretiert, so dass myGallery sie nciht mehr erkennen kann. Dies konnte ich zumindest durch ersetzen der eckigen Klammern mit einem anderen Zeichen im Quelltext von myGallery beheben.
Mein zweites Problem aber ist, dass wenn ich ein Bild über inspic=x,x,gal,x einfüge kein link gesetzt wird, bei inspic=x,x,fullscreen,x funktioniert das ls jedoch perfekt.
Hi, thanks for a great plugin. Slight problem I have is with my static foto section ( You will see that further down the page, although most of the photos are OK with the inline text, when there is not enough text, the photo makes the next entry jump up and pushed to the right. Is there any way I can tweak the CSS or do anything to stop this? Many thanks.
Im trying to get this page to split into too:
But for some reason it keeps putting the random image on the left above the table, can anyone help?
also how can i make the random image bigger?
I’m trying to assign access for a user to be able to addto/edit the MyGallery plugin using Role Manager. I can get it to show up as an option on the top menu, but it doesn’t show any content to edit, any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?
ich hab heute mein kleines Addon zu MyGallery ins Netz gestellt. Ist eine Flash-Spielerei, die es ermöglicht die Gallerie als Slideshow darzustellen. Wen es interssiert : Download hier
@Alex: Absolut genial! Ich werde heute noch mal mit einem Eintrag darauf hinweisen. Wir können auch überlegen, ob es in der finalen 1.3 Version direkt einen Downloadlink oder ähnliches geben soll, damit die Nutzer auf dein Addon aufmerksam gemacht werden.
Freut mich…
Meine Eigenleistung ist sehr bescheiden.. Es steht dir frei die Funktion direkt in myGallery aufzunemhen. Wenn du es verlinken willst, auch nicht schlecht, ich bin für alles zuhaben.
Freu mich wenn es von Nutzen ist.
@Sarah: Currently myGallery has no rule option. It still works with th eold user level. I will fix this in the next version.
@kiki: And (for all the non-German speakers who can’t read the docs) you’ve GOT to try out the MyGalleryBrowser feature in your write/edit page area. If you haven’t found it, you’re missing all the best stuff this plugin offers!
I don’t understand. Can you please elaborate?
Just upgraded from 1.0.5 to 1.2.1. Looks great! Lots of nice improvements. I sent you some paypal cash. Please, everyone that likes the software, contribute a few dollars to support good developers. They will never make enough to account for all their time and effort but it’s nice to be appreciated.
ich hab für einen Bekannten deine Gallery eingerichtet, leider bin ich fast verzweifelt… Der Provider hatte PHP 5.0.5 augesetzt. Da es mir zuviel Aufwand war den Provider anzumailen, hab ich mir mal angeschaut was den Bug (in PHP) : Fatal error/Warning: Only variables can be passed by reference…“ erzeugt :
Du hast zwar keine Fehler gemacht (und mit PHP 5.2.0 scheint alles wieder zu laufen) aber die Ermittlung der Dateierweiterung ist hier das Problem :
$my_extension = strtolower(end(explode(‚.‘, $stored_file)));
Wenn du es durch das diesen Code ersetzt läuft es auch under PHP 4.4.0 + 5.0.5 + 5.1.0…
$path_parts = pathinfo($stored_file);
$my_extension = $path_parts[‚extension‘];
Sorry ,
die Endung muss natürlich in Kleinbuchstaben gewandelt werden (denke du kennst deinen Code).
Also nur Vollständigkeitshalber :
$path_parts = pathinfo($stored_file);
$my_extension = strtolower($path_parts[‚extension‘]);
@pcb: Many thanks for your donation!!!
@Alex Rabe: Danke, ich werde mir das mal anschauen.
Awesome plugin! But when I try to upload, create or import anything at the „myGallery generator“ it says like this „Unable to create directory /Users/JohanDahlqvist/wp-content/myfotos/thisiswhatimean!“
Do you or anyone know how I can make it work?
Hello again. I have a new question. Is it possible to replace the navigation links (next image, prev image, gallery top) with images?
@ttancm: Use the HTML-Command for inserting images:
<img src=’nextpic.gif‘>
@johan: Did you change the folder permissions with an ftp programm?
@Alex: Codefragment von dir habe ich eingebaut – ist dann Bestandteil der nächsten Beta.
I got it working by just putting the html code into the boxes on the options menu, but whenever that page is reloaded afterwards the html is cut off, like the html isn’t handled as just text in the box but as part of the actual html for the options page.
With things that way if I use images for the navigation links, anytime I want to change anything else on the mygallery options on that same page I have to re-enter the html for the images or else it saves it as the broken html.
How can I change base directory, where all galleries are written in?
Feature request: 2 sets of thumbnails for each gallery. I would like to use one set (small) for gallery pages and another set that is larger for inspic thumbnails inside a blog post. The second set would be configured for the width of my WP template (say 350 px) and it would still function like a thumbnail (display the full image via lightbox). Am I making any sense?
Kann man die Originalbilder einer kompletten Gallerie virtuell verkleinert oder überhaupt darstellen, ohne, dass die Thumbnails angezeigt werden?
hi leute,
hab da auch eine frage und würd mich freuen wenn mir jemand helfen könnte. und zwar würde ich gerne wissen was es zu verändern gilt um die gallery overview nicht in einer liste anzuzeigen sondern die preview-bilder einfach nacheinander in einer reihe zu laden.
momentan sieht das ganze so aus:
hintergrund ist, dass ich die overview gerne ohne descriptions haben möchte, dann jedoch rechts unglaublich viel platz ist (und die seite bei vielen gallerien natürlich sehr weit zu scrollen ist). darum würd ich gerne einfach jeweils 3 oder 4 (soviele wie halt in mein theme passen) bilder in einer reihe haben und die overview nicht wie jetzt per liste auf der seite darstellen. wäre super wenn ihr mir weiterhelfen könntet, find das plugin nämlich asonsten super! gruss!
First of all i’d like to thank you for a great plugin. It really rocks!
But I was wondering; is it possible to use an animated gif in myGallery? I tried to use one, but with no success. It does upload it, but its not shown as a thumbnail and not shown in the gallery.
Maybe I forgot something? Al help is welcome.
To answer myself partly
The upload didn’t went perfect. It does upload something, and the messege „Picture(s) added to gallery!“ appears. But only a small part of the file is uploaded.
Probably something went wrong when it tries to create the thumbnail. Or/and it has problems with using animated gifs. I’m not sure.
Finally I got it working by uploading the animated gif and a normal small gif as a thumbnail, via FTP. It works now normal with myGallery and Lightbox JS.
You can check it here:
I love this plugin, it’s fantastic. The only question I have is, how do I make the captions appear when using lightbox2? I edit the description in the gallery management, but they don’t appear when the picture pops up in lightbox. Any ideas?
Benutze seit einer Weile das myGallery Plugin (v 1.2) und bin begeistert. Einfache Installation, super easy zu bedienen. Habe leider immer mal wieder Probleme mit dem myginpage Inline Gallery Tag. Als erstes habe ich rausgefunden, daß wenn Zahlen oder „-“ (Striche) im Gallery-Namen sind, funktioniert der Tag nicht. Es wird nur eine Zeile [myginpage=galleryname] auf der Seite angezeigt. Ok. Kann ich mit leben.
Habe es nun aber geschafft, durch eine wohl unglückliche Umstellung i.d. myGallery Options, daß bei myginpage zwar Thumbs angezeigt werden, aber durch click wird nicht auf das grosse Bild gewechselt. Komme da drauf, da es schon mal bei mir ging, nach Umstellung der Optionen tut es aber nicht mehr. Hilfe ! Habe die „original Einstellungen“ nicht mehr. Hilft ein Update ?
Top plugin i use it loads one question if I wanted the affect the order of the gallery over view like make it new to old how would I do that I recon I just need to edit a query some ware but not sure were??
Cheers Bruce
First of all, thanx for great alternative to Gallery monster :)
If I get through config troubles I’ll damn happy.
I’ve been trying to set up myGallery on WP 2.1 but all I get is blank myGallery admin pages – no errors, no complains about misconfiguration etc. I created a page and named it photos, then did chmod mygallery folder in plugins forlder to 777, activated plugin but no effect.
What might be wrong?
Hallo Thomas!
Erstmal vielen Dank für das tolle Plugin. Leider habe ich nach erfolgreicher Installation nun ein Problem.
Seitdem ich eine Gallerie gelöscht habe, kann ich keine zip-dateien oder Galerien mehr hinzufügen. Der Upload ist auch nicht mehr möglich.
Deaktiveren und aktivieren des Plugins hat nichts gebracht. Ebenso das Löschen des Plugins mit anschließender Neuinstallation war nicht erfolgreich.
Hättest Du einen Lösungsvorschlag?
Thanks for the great plugin.
I was wondering if it is possible to use the variable $gallery=galleryname that is passed from the mygallistgal page when an album is selected (And you haven’t listed a page_id) to dynamically create a new album page, ie use myGallery without all the static pages I tried the following in a photos.php template file but it wouldn’t work for me.
Or something to that effect I didn’t get an error message, so not sure what was wrong. Is this possible?
I’ve the same problem of „muchio“.
On my worpress 2.1 blog, myGallery doesn’t works. Blank admin pages, no error message are displayed, no table in database are created…
myGallery is the best solution for WP and a fixed version for WP 2.1 should be fine! ;)
When gathering several albums in a page, is it possible to list them in two or even three columns in each row? Maybe this could be a feature?
I’m sorry to say, but I experience the same error as Franza and Muchio.
Weird, I have mygallery running on my 2.1 testblog with no problems what so ever.
See here
Your script does not work with wordpress 2.1?
i installed it 3 thimes but still it not works, after installation i find te „my gallery“ menu but if i click on a voice it does nothing.
where i wrong?
So far myGallery may (or may not) work with WP 2.1. A new Version should be available till end of march. Some errors can be an effect of the PHP version on the server. There ist a strange behavior under PHP 5.x with variables (call by refernce, google for details).
Hey Thanks for the great plugin works wonderfully for me on WP2.1. Definitely the best image manager I have found!
1)I have two questions though, Do I have to install the mudbomb WYSIWYG text editor for the browser plugin to work as I could only get it to work with this installed.
2) Also the picture description seem to be capped at 255 chars, is this due to using a TINYTEXT as opposed to TEXT when the database is created or is it something else. I need slightly longer descriptions.
Other than that though it works great and has saved me alot of time A+.
Congratulation for this amazing plugin !
i’m interested to have an back and next image for the gallery navigation …
With MyGallery 1.3b7, in the mygalleryoption page,
For the next and back option,
I’ve remplaced » by a html value
without success , the html image code seem to be filtred …
someone have a solution ?
great plugin.
theres only one problem that i have with it and thats the ability to set width and have the script set height automatically.
IF there were a way to set HEIGHT and let the script set width automatically I think it’d make for a much nicer (more uniform) layout on the galley pages.
anyone have fairly simple instructions on how to change this – in english ?
tia, teros
I’ve tried MyGallery and it is GREAT. but in the site I have i am using the Polyglot plug-in for multi-lingual posting. I would like the descriptions for the fotos in MyGallery also to be multilingual. I tried to do this, but Polyglot does not seem to recognise and separate the tags from MyGallery. Do you know if there is any way I can get this to work?
I love this plugin, but have had problems ever since upgrading. I now tried removing all old files, and starting from scratch (but did not remove DB files). I get a 404 page not found error when I try to go to admin area. I get the following error all over my gallery page, like it can’t find any images.
Warning: getimagesize(/home/timeless/public_html/wp-content/uploads/imagesstaff/staff/tumbs/tmb_Krell_Keith.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/timeless/public_html/wp-content/plugins/mygallery/myfunctions/mygalleryfunctions.php on line 803
Any help? this plugin was just great before!! Thanks!
Anybody have any advice on how to make captions work when using the lightbox2 plugin with myGallery? Thanks!
Do anyone know why I get this message when trying to upload an image?
„Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg() in /Users/JohanDahlqvist/wp-content/plugins/mygallery/myfunctions/mygalleryfunctions.php on line 379“
I solved my problem by completely deleting the DB tables as well, then reinstalling everything. Don’t forget to backup the DB first! I had only 4 photos and descriptions to put back in, so it was no big deal to do them over. I did not import the old DB, I just rewrote the descriptions. I would not recommend this method if you have a lot of pictures or a lot of descriptions you don’t want to lose. In any case, it is working again, and I am a happy camper. :)
Aftet activation it stops my texy plugin, so all my texy pages are visible as they are written (not converted into HTML). Do you know about that bug? IS it possible to do anything about that?
Thank you a lot. I love both plugins ;-)
just want to add, that texy is something like structuredText or MoinMoin markup. For example heading h1 you can write as
Unfortunately all the infos about texy are not in ENglish/German ( Download you can directly from here
Installation is as usual in wp.
I am having a problem with mygallery: all of the menu pages are blank, so I can manage the plugin. I am using WordPress 2.1. Any suggestions?
@Nat Scrimshaw: A version working with WP 2.1 will be avaliable tonight.
WordPress 2.1.1 & Mygallery 1.4b3
After I save options——->
WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near “ at line 1]
SELECT FROM wp_mypictures,wp_mygprelation,wp_mygallery WHERE = AND wp_mygprelation.gid = AND = „20070222“ AND (wp_mypictures.picexclude IS NULL OR wp_mypictures.picexclude=0) ORDER BY wp_mypictures.
Warning: Division by zero in /home/ku1695/public_html/wp-content/plugins/mygallery/myfunctions/mygalleryfunctions.php on line 640
WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‚LIMIT 0,a‘ at line 1]
SELECT * FROM wp_mypictures,wp_mygprelation,wp_mygallery WHERE = AND wp_mygprelation.gid = AND = „20070222“ AND (wp_mypictures.picexclude IS NULL OR wp_mypictures.picexclude=0) ORDER BY wp_mypictures. LIMIT 0,a
Hi. When I add a gallery to a post, it only shows the caption for the first image. Other images in the gallery display the caption for the first image. Please help..
It’s ok, I upgraded and it now works.
Hello, thanks for the great plugin.
I noticed that when performing a search on my WordPress 2.0.6 blog, that it does not search the filenames, descriptions or alt/title tags in the galleries.
A lot of my visitors come by to see examples of photos, and I would like the search to be able to get results from the photo galleries.
I don’t know if the problem lies in the plugin or the search feature. Any suggestions you could provide would be great.
Thank you!
Great plugin. I just need to figure out how to get the larger pictures to display on a seperate web page template specificly made for larger pics. Is there somewhere in the code I can point it to display the larger pics on my own custom php page?
My blog design only allows for 425-450 pixels to display the bigger images which is a draw back. This is why I need it to show a seperate page for full screen images if possible while breaking out of the blog design.
Or if anyone has any other suggestions feel free.
NewsToob, your question is a WordPress question (not about this plugin per se). Yes, it can be done. You can find the answer here:
Holly shit, this plugin is what id been looking for, it has all the things i want from a gallery. I searched a lot for a gallery plugin that suits for my label website, ant this works great. I will start today to implement it. YOu can visit my label here:
Greetings from Chile, South America
I’ve followed the instructions for single gallery and I can’t seem to come up with anything. I’m able to show the album page but not the thumbnails.
The gallery is at my main site:
I hope someone can offer some advice.
Bernard, every time I try to use the contact form on your page, I get a message: „Possible malicious code detected. No HTML, URIs, or anchor tags are allowed in message.“ I took out all the HTML and it still happens.
So I’m responding to you here.
I followed the link from the MyGallery page to see if I could help with your setup. I found your „Gallery“ software but don’t see where your MyGallery album page is though.
You need to create a seperate page to associate with each album. So you have the main page with all the albums, and then one page per each album that the main page links to.
Then in your WP admin area go into the MyGallery, Gallery Management page and put that new page number you created in each album.
Check out my setup:
Contact me there if you have any other questions.
Good Evening,
I have a little problem.
If I try to upload zip files to create a gallery, or process, or import pictures from a folder on my server, or upload single pictures or create thumbnails, I receive this error message
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg() in /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/mygallery/myfunctions/mygalleryfunctions.php on line 379
What’s the matter?
Thanks in advance for your help :)
Quick question – I have a static page, ‚Photos‘, and a child page, ‚Amsterdam‘. The Photos page displays the correct link to ‚/blog/photos/dam‘ but when using the [mygallistgal] tag, the generated output points to ‚/photos/?gallery=amsterdam‘, which holds no gallery data.
What am I doing wrong?
Many thanks, and an excellent plugin!
Ok, sorted that out myself but now the admin path is pointing to the wrong directory. Grrr
Mate, your plugin as some serious bugs in the version 1.4b4.
Thumbnails won’t be displayed at all with FireFox 2. I spent 2hours to figure it out.
Still thank you for your great plugin which works fine in the 1.2 version.
Just a lil prob: the unzip doesn’t work. One time if I remember correctly, I saw „zip not allowed, see line 79“ or something like that. Can you tell more ?
„For the random image in the sidebar, would it be possible to make it so that the thumbnail that is displayed either links to the image or the gallery that contains the image?“
ok i solved it. function myrandompic
download and replace mygallery.php file from here
i don’t know much php – but i just hacked around and got it working – i can post details if you like?
Also there are thumbnail dimensions in $mypicstring – have a go!!!
width=“‚.$thumb_size[0].'“ height=“‚.$thumb_size[1].'“
“For the random image in the sidebar, would it be possible to make it so that the thumbnail that is displayed either links to the image or the gallery that contains the image?”
The „Use myGallery template function in theme (for random pictures) on page (id)“ option seems to do this already just enter the page id of the gallery page. Works for me.
david wrote: The „Use myGallery template function in theme (for random pictures) on page (id)“ option seems to do this already just enter the page id of the gallery page. Works for me.
ok yeah, you are totally right… well at least i learnt some php…
This is such an awesome plugin !!!!!!
Great plugin.
Is there a way to see more than one photo using the random picture code?
thanks for the help
I figured out the random picture question i had above.
I do have another question. Instead of using the random picture code, do you have a function that lists the latest random pictures I have added?
If not, I would like to request it.
quick question: how would I add the words Previous and Next to the code, as such:
Next >>
Back >>
@heliosphan: There should be an Option in the myGallery settings where you can change the ouput for the navigation.
@Helms: Actually not, but I will take this as feature request.
@dikiz : Thumbnails should displayed in all browsers – I there is now browser depending feature. On my Mac, myGalelry works very well with Fireworks. Unzipping ist only possible if your can use teh php execute command on your server.
@FaTeReLLa: Maybe two reasosn for this. On your webspace ist no gd library installed or the server is running on php 5.4.1 (causing some problems with myGallery).
@Tricia: Actually there is no search support, but I will inculde this in a later version of myGallery.
Great Plugin, after 4 tries with other programs, I got to this one and it is the only one I could get to function. Great set of instructions. Thank You.
As someone who is totally oblivious to PHP coding, is there a way I can put a space or 2 between the pics on the page that comes up when u click on a Thumbnail from the gallery list page?
Thanks again
Add padding or margin to the CSS for whatever Div it is you want to put spaces between.
Not sure exactly which section you are talking about, but you can most likely do what you want by modifying this item in the mygallery style:
.mypicsgallery a img {
border: 2px solid #ffffff;
padding: 1px;
Either increase the padding number, or add
margin: 5px;
play with the value until you get the spacing you want.
Hi, I tried to upload a zip file to a gallery, and I got this error:
Unable to creat temporary directory /home/caritasb/public_html/WordPress/wp-content/images/performances/newpics!
I changed the images & performance & newpics folder permission to 777 already… but it still won’t work…
THe zip file is not that big, it’s only 378 KB, and yes they are all JPG files.
Any help will be greately appreciated!
Thanks ^_^
Hallo, habe gerade Dein tolles Plugin entdeckt. Kann bis jetzt aber nicht benutzen. Leider geht inspic=x,x,gal,x nicht bei mir, obwohl inspic=x,x,fullscreen,x geht. Es entsteht gar kein Link. Was heißt das?
sorry my english not good.
the plugin is very good but,
i have the error on browser photo on admin
„www\wp-content\plugins\mygallery\myfunctions\mygallerybrowser.php on line 15“
hi thomas,
ich habe dein plug-in soeben erst entdeckt und finde grossen gefallen daran. allerdings habe ich ein problem und zwar habe ich gerade einen zweiten blog erstellt und wuerde nun gerne die gallery fuer beide zugleich nutzen. das problem dabei ist aber, dass im gallerygenerator schon der pfad fuer den aktuellen blog vorgegeben ist und ich somit nicht zu der bereits auf das alte verzeichnis verweisen kann.
1. Blog: …/blogname/gallery/(subfolder 1-100)
2. Blog …/2terblog/wp-content/myphotos/…
gibt es eine moeglichkeit aus dem ersten teil (2terblog…) auszubrechen und den gesamten pfad neu zu vergeben. zur not auch gerne per hard coding direkt in die datei.
schonmal vielen lieben dank & gruesse aus australien von einem ehemaligen klever =)
Hi. I’ve been using the plugin for a while now, it’s really good, but I have a few questions.
The gallery preview pictures don’t show up at all for me on firefox and in Internet Explorer they overlap and look really messy. Any idea how I could fix it?
How can I change the font size on on the captions for lightbox 1?
Also, where is this gallery browser button ‚kiki‘ talks about? I can’t see it.
You should post a comment here and on your blog in English about the security update. That way your subscribers (RSS and comment subscribers) and the many users you have who don’t speak German will know they should update.
If you are one of those people reading this comment through email, you should update your version of MyGallery to the latest version available here as a security exploit has been found.
to make things easy, an English announcement could be written as simply as follows:
A security vulnerability has been discovered in MyGallery, please update to the latest available version found at
everything work perfect now… big thanks!
Hi Thomas
Great plugin and thanks for releasing the update.
Just to let you know that you haven’t updated the version number in mygallery.php, it still shows up as 1.4b4 on the plugin page.
ok.. still have one problem on upload PNG:
Fatal error: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: gd-png: fatal libpng error: zlib error in d:\HC7\Websites\thegood\uzides\\www\wp-content\plugins\mygallery\myfunctions\mygalleryfunctions.php on line 466
hi, i try to fix. i change line 466 and 505 from „png“ to „PNG“, now my error is „Unable to change permissions for picture“
in an earlier version there is an icon in the writing window. now that has disappeared. how can i get it back?
@mitch: As far as I know, this could be a WordPress Problem. One user reports, taht this problem doesn’t exist in WP 2.3 (tested on an alpha branch) anymore.
@uzi: Mhm, are jpg’s working? Or are there the same permission issues?
@John : The layout for the preview pictures can be fixed with some changes to the css files (check the myGallery plugin-folder). You will find some hints for this in the documentation. The documentation is in german, but the illustrations might be helpfull. To change the caption size für lightbox, you must check the lightbox files. I don´t know exactly where, sorry for this. The button kiki talks about, is the mygallerybrowser button. There are some display problems with this in the current WP version.
@Caren: Sieht so aus, als ob du keine Galerieseite für die Bilder angelegt hats. Schau dazu noch mal in die Dokumentation.
hi tboley,
yes jpg working no premission issues.
thanks for your help…
I got mine going very well..
check it out PLZ!
I found the gallery browser button. I had to re-enable the wysiwyg editor under ‚admin; users; your profile‘
I have a two column setup. The gallery thumbs are in the left column and i’d like to have them opened in the right column. Is there any way to dynamicaly do this? or maybe a wp sidebar solution? Any input on this would be great!
How could I display the captions underneath the thumbnails in a ‚[mygal=gallery-name]‘ gallery.?
Thanks in advance.
You have wrong naming in your scripts, thumbs has been replaced with tumbs, the correct naming is thumbs…
How are you doing this? I wiped the mysql tables, i removed the plugin folder and picture folder. I downloaded the gallery, did a clean install, after doing this, it still isn’t cleaned, i don’t get prompted for a gallery folder, are you using anything non-standard?
@Jon: I know about wrong spelling – this exists since the first version of myGallery, but doesn´t harm anything. I will fix this with myGallery 2.0.
“using anything non-standard” No. Just the standard WP get_option function. If you wiped all by hand, check the wp tables – or just changed the version number of myGallery in mygalleryinstall.php to force the prompt. I guess I shoul include an uninstaller in myGallery 2.0
@JOhn: Actually it is not possible to display the captions underneath the thumbnails. Captions will influence the layout.
@Jon Kristian: For this you will need modifications for myGallery and some AJAX-Funktions. There is a way to do this, but this will be a hard way.
@John: Thanks for this hint. I will include this in an readme.txt file
@uzi: Does the problem still exist with the current version of myGallery? There was a bug in myGallery with the quality settings. This should be fixed now.
I’m having a bit of a problem with 1.4b7 , the thickbox doesn’t work for inlinpictures and virtual scaled pictures. Does this have something to do with picture sizes or something, because some pictures are working with it…
This might be too much to ask…I am trying to set up myGallery so that the gallery is not inline but is attatched by using the Custom Fields in each post. I think it can be a pretty simple fix if I can get the function to search and replace the meta-tags(custom fields) instead of the content. My searching has been fruitless so far, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
First of all, thanks for the great plugin. This plugin got every thing that I am looking for and it’s more simple than other wordpress image plugin.
I would like to ask about square thumbnail. If I check this, The thumbnail only shows a mall portion of the original image. But I see other script which can generate „almost“ the whole picture of the original image(square thumb). Can it be done in your future version? Thanks.
Just to correct my previous post, I mean „shows a small portion“
I’m using mygallery 1.4b7, WP lightbox 2 v0.5. I’ve problem with bigger galleries. One of my galleries is over 100 pics. All seems to be working when number of DISPLAYED pictures ([mygal=name_of_gallery] on the PAGE) is under 81 (some images are excluded). When there is more than 81 pic enabled I got „blank page“ (blanks mean blog is working but I don’t have section).
When I’ve disabled „lightbox“ maging number of pictures even had decreased!
I’ve increased memory_limit in php even to 64mb but it didn’t solve the problem.
Please help
that is a great plugin, I was using it a lot in my WP 2.0. Now I updateted the WP to version 2.2 and myGallery to 1.4b7. But if I try to activate it, I get a blank page in my admin access of WP and have to delete/rename the myGallery plugin folder to have any acces to WP again. Furthermore with this crappy installation the start page of WP admin looks different (all this news disapperd).
Is that problem known or maybe you even have an idea what is wrong?
I can’t seem to get the image descriptions to appear when using lightbox 1 or 2. The alt/title appears just fine below the image, but the description seems to never appear. Am I missing something?
@Sean O’Connor
That is the nature of the lightbox-Script, it uses the link’s „title“ information for the text displayed below the image.
Is there a way to show the descriptions along with/ below the thumbnails? I noticed that actually they are in the sourcecode, but with a display-type of hidden?
I’m having a weird problem using galleries in posts, I’ve had this problem before, but I can’t remember how I went about fixing it.
The galleries work fine on the individual post pages, but on the index page the thumbnails always links to the newest post, not the post that actually contains the images.
You can see an example here:
The post at the top of the page works fine, because it happens to be the newest post, but anything older links to the top/newest post.
Any ideas?
Using the newest version you have (1.4b7)php 5.
@ttancm: Linked images should always be a part of a gallery. Did your the gallery for the images have a page_id?
@Webrocker: Descriptions below thumbnails will cause heavy layout problems, so they are disabled.
@Sean O’Connor: This is an lightbox limitation – please use the alt tag.
@Harry: If tested the current beta of myGallery together with WordPress 2.2 – no problems so far. In no circumstance myGallery will delete or hide any news as you mentioned. Maybe there is a second plugin, witch causes your problems.
@Piotr :Are the images displayed on the same page? Did you try the option to limit the displayed images per page?
@Max: I will include an option for this in Version 1.5.
@David: Sounds interesting, but actually I didn´t found a clue in the WP codex if it´s possible to pares the custom fields.
@Jon Kristian: Actually there is no thickbox implementation in myGallery. Thickbox will need some changes in myGallery, so I will include thickbox in version 1.5.
Hallo tboley,
besten Dank für das tolle Plugin. Hatte es auch schon einige Zeit am Laufen, nur leider immer ohne Bildunterschriften. Wollte dies Problem nun lösen und hab mir dabei alles zerhaun.
Habe schliesslich den mygallery eintrag aus der SQL datenbank gelöscht und auch komplett vom server genommen. ( kompletten mygallery ordner ). Habe jetzt also faktisch, meiner Meinung, alles was mit mygallery zu tun hat gelöscht.
Bei der Neuinstallation meckert er immer, das keine Tabelle in der Datenbank vorhanden ist.
Und sagt folgendes:( die „X“ hab ich extra gesetzt )
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /homepages/10/XXXXXXXXXXXX/htdocs/ferkel/wp-content/plugins/mygallery/myfunctions/mygalleryinstall.php on line 23
Wenn ich die Fehlermeldung ignoriere und wieder in den WordPress.Admin Bereich gehe und dort auf mygallery klicke sagt er folgendes:
WordPress database error: [Table ‚db174622083.wp_mygallery‘ doesn’t exist]
SELECT * FROM wp_mygallery
Ich hoffe du kannst mir weiterhelfen. Besten Dank.
Yep, I’ve set limit images per page and it’s working. Thamk you.
Your plugin seems great so far, danke viel! My galleries overview page outputs fine, but when I click on a gallery (which from /galleries/, links to a URL like /galleries/?gallery=name), I just get the same display – the gallery overview.
I’ve just put the [mygallistgal] tag on the page as instructed. Is there anything I might be missing that’s preventing the individual gallery page from showing up?
@Freddy: Es gibt in der Tabelle wp-options noch einen Zeile mit Werten zu myGallery – diese sollte mittels phpmyadmin gelöscht werden.
@Gyrus: Each gallery needs must placed on an own page. Note the id of the page and insert this as page_id (see gallery management options).
Hi, you’re plug-in is great and just what I was looking for. As I’ve begun learning how to use it, I keep getting the error below when uploading photos:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2800 bytes) in /data/14/1/98/23/1261186/user/1345518/htdocs/blog/wp-content/plugins/mygallery/myfunctions/mygalleryfunctions.php on line 495
Any suggestions?
Hi there!
I was wondering if there is any way to rerun the install script as I’d like to change the directory in which the photos are uploaded to. I’ve tried removing the databases and everything, to no avail.
@Todd: Seems that your provider uses the default memory limit for php – check the info function in the current beta for details. The mimimum should be 16 MB (see gd library faq for details). Workarround: Try to upload smaler pictures.
Lara: Try this: Change the nummeric value in mygalleryinstall.php, line 28. If you install activatet the plugin again, it will ask you for the directroy. Afer instalation, revert to to old numeric value.
Heyho tboley,
jo hatte jetzt wieder die alte version von mygallery installiert und alles läuft soweit wieder.
Habe zur Zeit wordpress 2.0.4 und mygallery 1.2.1
Es funktioniert alles tadellos, bis auf die Bildunterschriften in lightbox … ich bin mit meinem Latein echt am Ende :(
UNter „Galerieverwaltung“ gebe ich unter Beschreibung die „Bildtitel“ ein, diese erscheinen beim aufrufen mit lightbox aber nicht wie vorgesehen unter dem Bild … woran kann das liegen ?
Besten Dank,
@Freddy: Du solltest dringend auf die neuste Beta von myGallery. Es gibt da einen Sicherheitspatch, der sehr wichtig ist. Wenn danach dein Problem mit den Bildunterschiften immer noch vorhanden ist, meldest du dich einfach wieder hier.
Heyho, besten Dank für deine Antwort. Um die aktuelle Version von mygallery installieren zu können muss ich ja auch wordpress von 2.0.4 auf die aktuelle version updaten, bzw. auf 2.1.X ? Die aktuelle Version ist ja 2.2, würde es auch mit 2.2 funktionieren ?
@Freddy: Mit 2.2 funktioniert es auf jeden Fall.
also ich habe jetzt erfolgreich 2.2 installiert, wenn ich jetzt die aktuelle myGallery Version installieren will kommt folgende WordPress-Fehlermeldung: „Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.“
Habe zuvor alles mir bekannte von myGallery gelöscht …
Obrige Fehlermeldung erscheint mit Version „“
und diese Fehlermeldung:
„Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /homepages/10/XXXXXXX/htdocs/ferkel/wp-content/plugins/mygallery/myfunctions/mygalleryinstall.php on line 23“
… erscheint mit den Versionen darunter.
Ignoriert man die Fehlermeldung „Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /homepages/10/XXXXXXX/htdocs/ferkel/wp-content/plugins/mygallery/myfunctions/mygalleryinstall.php on line 23“ und geht in den Menupunkt myGallery erscheint widerum folgende Fehlermedung:
WordPress database error: [Table ‚db174622083.wp_mygallery‘ doesn’t exist]
SELECT * FROM wp_mygallery
Hoffe du kannst mir helfen :) Besten Dank anyways!
Hallo tboley,
sorry das ich dich so vollschreibe. Habe es nun endlich hinbekommen die aktuelle myGallery ohne weitere Fehlermeldung zu installieren. Lediglich am Anfang tauchte wieder die mit „line23“ auf, funktioniert jetzt aber trotzdem.
Allerdings habe ich jetzt immernoch keine Bildunterschriften wenn ich mir die Galerie in Lightbox anschauen will.
Die Gallerien füge ich mit [mygal=blabla] in meine Seite ein. Funktioniert ja alles bestens, bis auf die Bildunterschriften. Unter Optionen habe ich das Häkchen natürlich uach gesetzt.
Besten Dank
Thanks for the excellent plugin. All installed nicely, but one minor issue. The thumbnail images are squeezed. I went to the options panel, and set chose to have height set automatically, but doesn’t work. Any ideas? Thanks.
@Freddy: Kein Problem :) Die Fehlermeldung rührt von einer PHP Version, bei der es Probleme mit der Unterstützung von Objekten gibt. Google mal danach …
Die Bildunterschriften sollten gehen, wenn du für das Bild eine ALT-beschreibung festlegst.
I seem to be getting this error „no file was submitted“. But I am submitting a .zip file with photos in it. I checked the permissions on the folder that stores the galleries and its set to 777. Is there something else i’m forgetting? I’m running WP 2.1. Thanks.
@David: I will inclue more sizing options in version 1.5 of myGallery. In the meantime, I will check he options again. Can you tell me the size of the thumnails an the original pictures? Or maybe a link to examples?
@yock: Can your server unzip files? What ist with the php temp folder (aks your provider for details). How large are the zip files?
To all myGallery users: You can post your issues to the google group for this plugin. Check the google code site:
Danke tboley.
It can unzip files. I had to increase my file upload limit, it was at 2megs when I was trying to upload a 3meg .zip file. My tmp folder is the apache system default. So I’m guessing thats where the problem is.
Besten Dank
Hi, endlich habe ich gefunden was ich seit langem suche und dann läuft es auf meinem webspace bei 1und1 nicht :-( obwohl eigentlich alle Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind. gallerie und thumbnails werden nicht erstellt, es werden lediglich die pics hochgeladen. (gallerie ist schon vorhanden aber leer)
ich habs dann mal auf einem anderen webspace probiert, da ging es dann bis auf die zip-funktion. Gibts da irgendeinen trick um das doch noch zum laufen zu bringen bzw. ist überhaupt bekannt warum es auf manchen webspaces nicht läuft? das einzige was ich bisher herausfinden konnte ist, dass es bei 1und1 wohl eine zeitbeschränkung für das ausführen von operationen auf dem server gibt. das tool an sich ist spitze, sehr gute arbeit! viele grüße nils
The galleries are only on individual posts not WordPress Pages. I can always use a preview image on the main index pages and then use the WP more function since the galleries work on the individual posts, just not on the index/category pages, but if it’s possible I’d like to have it so that the thumbnails link to the individual image page with the gallery only hosted in posts (because by hosting it in posts I can have comments, categories, search etc. which I can’t have/require tinkering to get on pages).
Any way to achieve this, or is it impossible with the current version?
I installed WP 2.2.1 and then installed mygallery_1.4b10
The two main ways to create galleries has disapeared from the options on the myGallery Generator Page.
These are no longer there, so there is now way to create galleries.
These are no longer showing up as an option:
Upload a zip file with images from my harddrive
Create as new, empty gallery
@yock: Do you have the permissions to use the unzip function on the server (it musst be a unix server btw.)?
@nils: Wenn myGallery nicht läuft, dann liegt in den meisten Fällen an zu strengen Sicherheitseinstellungen des Servers. Nicht bei jedem Provider ist es erlaubt, die auf Systemebene laufende Unzip-Funktion zu nutzen. Selbst bei den erforderlichen Rechte setzt das entpacken voraus, dass der Server auf einem Unix-System läuft.
Wenn es bei 1und1 nicht geht Thumnbails zu erstellen, kann es entweder an den fehlenden Verzeichnisrechten liegen oder daran, dass bei PHP die GD library fehlt.
@John Lytle: This happens if the PHP safe mode is on. With safe mode turned on, PHP can not create directories, so myGallery functions are limited.
@ttancm: Actuallay, there are some request form useres with the same problem. Actually, myGallery can show galleries in entrys only as inline gallerie, not as full gallerie. I will fix this for version 1.5.
Hallo und danke für das Plugin!
Ich hab grad die Galerien meines ‚Blögle‘ ( entspr. umgestellt, und das nicht nur, weil myGallery besser in WordPress integriert ist als meine vorherige, separate Lösung mit Enhanced Simple PHP Gallery.
Zwei Dinge:
1) Ich verwende auch TEXT statt TINYTEXT für die Beschreibungen – ich hoffe doch, das bringt auch bei künftigen Updates keine Probleme? :)
2) (Auch ggf. als Tip für andere:) Ich verwende auch das Language-Switcher-Plugin von – und habe entsprechend 3 kleine Änderungen in mygallery.php vorgenommen:
zum einen wird am Beginn von mygallery() bei „load language“ die passende Sprachdatei geladen, wenn $langswitch_lang_pref gesetzt ist (was für Besucher eigentlich nur in der Unterschrift „Seite/Bild x von y“ sichtbar sein dürfte);
zum anderen wird dann die Ausgabe von mygallery() und myrandompic() noch durch langswitch_filter_langs() „gejagt“, um die Tags von Language Switcher (lang_de etc.) passend zu filtern.
Ideal wäre natürlich, wenn du das direkt in künftige Veröffentlichungen einbauen könntest :) :) :) – die Abfrage if ($langswitch_lang_pref) oder mit function_exists() könnte reichen, das allgemeingültig zu machen, ich bin aber kein PHP- oder WordPress-Experte, lasse mich also gern eines Besseren belehren…
mfg, Andreas
How can I get the images to only be resized if they are greater than 450″ wide? If I use the scale options, they resize ALL photos, even if they are smaller, which is resulting in distortion of many of my pictures.
Also, how do I turn off the option that creates the thumbnail from only a portion of the image?
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Thanx for a great plug-in.
However, I have encountered a problem.
I’m building a new website so there is no URL
for it yet.
Anyway, I can’t get my galleries to show in IE7 or in Opera 9.21. Works great in Firefox :-D
Anybody else that has experience with this
and mayby has a solution?
Anders Hallkvist
Never mind my post above.
It’s sorted. By misstake I had marked my gallerypages as „draft“ and not „published“.
Strange that Firefox ignored that however..
I’m using Lightbox 2 for display.
Where can I change the text: „Image 2 of 3“?
I would like have that in my native tounge.
@Anders: Only in the Lightbox-Script. This is not a native function of myGallery.
tboley – I was wondering if there is a way to put the title of th image underneath the thumbnail? I know I would have to alter the mygalleryfunctions.php file and I have an idea where the info goes… I just don’t know what should go there. Thanks for your help.
After a extensive examination of the code and moving things around several time. Also trying to get the CSS to do what I wanted it to do… I got the titles of the images to appear below the thumbnails.
Thanks for a great gallery.
Hi, I’m having trouble with importing pictures from my server. It is the correct path, but it keeps saying that the directory I am pointing to does not exist. Why is this happening? Uploading the pictures using the browse mode works fine, but it’s really troublesome when I have many photos. Hope to get a reply, and thanks in advance.
habe ein Problem:
Ich habe 2 Blogs beide auf gleichem Webspace. Beide sind Version 2.2.2 und beide haben MyGallery 1.4b10. Bei der einen Webseite sehe ich den Button beim Beitrag schreiben von mygallery.
bei der 2ten Webseite sehe ich ihn nicht. Woran kanns liegen?
Gruß mrtom
siehe auch hier:
I cannot get lightbox to work in IE 7 – instead of calling the javascript it just opens the image in a new page – any help would be great..
vielen dank für dieses tolle Plugin. Ich habe es nun mehrfach auch für Freunde als Gallery mit in die WordPressinstallation eingefügt. Genial einfach und doch powerful.
Nun aber eine Frage/Wunsch. Ich möchte gerne zwei verschiedene Galleryübersichten anzeigen lassen und dabei festlegen können welche Gallery in der jeweiligen Übersicht angezeigt werden (Ziel ist es keine Ordner doppelt in den Übersichten zu haben).
Zum Beispiel eine statische Seite mit SPORT (und dann Galleryübersicht) und eine statische Seite NATUR (mit Galleryübersicht). Kannst du mir da einen guten Tipp geben? Ich habe leider keine tiefgreifenden PHP Kenntnisse.
mfg Mike
Hi Thomas,
ich bin ziemlich begeistert von mygallery. Endlich was kleines, unkompliziertes und doch ziemlich verstellbares in Sachen Gallery fuer WordPress.
Mich beschaeftigt nur die Frage, ob die RandomPic-Funktion auch auf ein bestimmtes Album beschraenkbar ist.
Liebe Gruesse,
@Tommy: Ja, wenn du bei den anderen Galerien in den Einstellungen für die jeweilige Galerie festlegst, dass diese nicht für Zufallsbilder genutzt werden soll. Ich meine, es geht über „Galerie von der Übersicht ausschließen“. Wenn nicht, noch mal melden, dann bau ich das in der einen oder anderen Form für die nächste Version ein.
I don’t want to repeat, but this question also applies to me. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi, I’m having trouble with importing pictures from my server. It is the correct path, but it keeps saying that the directory I am pointing to does not exist. Why is this happening? Uploading the pictures using the browse mode works fine, but it’s really troublesome when I have many photos. Hope to get a reply, and thanks in advance.
Das plugin ist super ich werde etwas auf meiner Seite dafür werben. der nutzen aus diesem plugin ist nicht zu unterschätzen
How do I rename a gallery after creating it?
Currently you can´t rename a galelry after creating – the name of the gallery ist the name of the depending file folder. But you can set a gallery long name, wicht can be displayed instead of the gallery name.
I would like to put my navigation (left and right arrows) on the gallery’s title. So arrows could be at opposite right of ‚Retour aux albums‘ in that page :
Page title _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CloseButton _ Previous Button _ Next Button
I think i must do more then css mods.. right? :\
I am having trouble with the lightbox „close X“ hyperlink. The top of the button does not engage the hyperlink to close the lightbox photo. Only when you mouse near the bottom of the button does it come on. How can I modify this? In the CSS? I can’t seen to find it.
ich finde es auch ganz gut
liebe grüße susi
I would like to use this very nice plugin but I still got a problem.
Safe mode is off. I followed a tutorial (with chmod 777, etc). I created a gallery with 2 images, a page related to this gallery. On the FTP, it seems that everything’s ok (I got the 2 images and 2 thumbnails were created)
On the page , I can see the thumbnails… but when I click on it (using lightbox or not), he can’t find the source image.
Did I do something wrong?
Thank’s in advance for your answers,
ok. It’s all right now. I don’t know why… But it works ;-).
Hi, I just wanted to say that your plugin „MyGallery“ which is really good :-) is not compatible with another one called „Link Indication Plugin“ (available here, yes another German guy!
I encounter a javascript error when I activate this plugin, on the galleries I have created with your MyGallery plugin, so that they don’t work anymore in this case when clicking on of the photo, it doesn’t display a larger one. When I disactivate the Link Indication plugin the galleries are ok again :-/
For your information, if you want to know more about it, it displays a „function changePicture(“ javascript error.
I don’t understand why it seems to have a conflict… :-/ If you have an idea I would be very grateful.
Hello Chris, how about a right click on the title? Does it work?
FEATURE REQUEST: Please add a visual indicator to show that the photo is loading for function: [myginpage=NAME]
Due to time delay in slower connections, after clicking on the thumb, the old photo remains in place is proportioned to the new photo. It is confusing to the viewer (looks like nothing is really happening). Ideally, the old photo would disappear or gray out, and a progress icon would appear until the new photo is loaded.
Thank you and please keep up the great work.
Is there any way to use the pluggin to have a section on my blog that is like a ‚photoblog‘? I would like to create an album that each pictures uploaded on it will be kind of a post… any way to do it? thx
This shhould be done with the next version, witch uses a different lightbox.
@Ally: So fare, I have no JavaScript errors – maybe there is a conflict with the template you use?
wie kann ich auf zwei Pages jeweils eine Teilauswahl der Galerien mit [mygallistgal] (oder anders) anzeigen? Z.B. Auf Page 1 möchte ich eine Galerieauswahl der Galerien 2,3,4,5 und 6 und auf Page 7, möchte ich die Galerien 8,9,10,11,12 zur Auswahl bekommen. Wäre Klasse, wenn mir jemand antworten könnte.
Hi again.
Is there a way to display the description of each image on the thumbnailpage?
And, likewise, in the lighbox?
The template that I’m using is Mimbo 2.2 that you can find there
Do you think it can be that?
It says that there is an error line 1, character 15, „syntax error“.
But I don’t know if this means line 1 from my page or not.
If so, my first line is:
Hope it can helps…
My first line is:
[code] [/code]
Well it doesn’t display here, so to resume this is the line to describe the doctype (html public, Transitional//EN).
Hi! I just upgraded to WP 2.3.3. The myGallery browser button disappeared from the write post page. It will only come back if I use the visual editor but the visual editor is too buggy so that’s not going to happen. Can I get the browser button back up? I am using Safari 3.0.1.
@Perry, I recommend using Firefox for writing/editing posts/pages on the Mac as the visual editor works. You can still use Safari for everything else though.
@davinian: Thanks for your comment. I may do that. I am still interest to know from tboley if there is a way to get the myGallery browser button back up in Safari, coding view for write post.
I can`t get inline gallery to show picture descriptions. I did mark the opions feild „Show picture description for inline galleries“, but nothing…
It does show the description of the first picture for all the pictures, and if the first picture does not have a description it shows nothing at all. Any idea what I am doing wrong?
My blog is here:
I’ve got the same problem as Indrek.
Any suggestions?
Maybe I have this problem because I’m working on local for now :-/ when I desactivate „link indication“ it’s ok but I like this plugin too!
Hi Thomas!
Thank you very much for your great plug-in.
One question: Will you redesign your plug-in for WordPress 2.5?
@Nick: There will be a new Version for WP 2.5 or higher. But there is no timeline for this. Priority for me has the WordPress book from Frank Bueltke, for which I`m writing some chapters.
If I try to restore my database from a back up made by the „WordPress Database Backup“ plugin, I always get an error regarding myGallery. It reads something like this:
SQL query:
# Data contents of table `wp_mygallery`
INSERT INTO `wp_mygallery`
VALUES ( 10, ’shoreline‘, 66, ’43‘, ‚Notecards of landscape scenes shot in and around Guilford.‘, ‚Notecards: CT Shoreline‘, 0, , ) ;
MySQL said:
#1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‚ )‘ at line 1
If I use phpMyAdmin to create the back up instead of the plugin, I receive no error.
BTW, SQL info is:
Server version: 4.1.11-Debian_4sarge7
Protocol version: 10
MySQL client version: 4.1.11
The problem is not myGallery, is an bug(?) in the WordPress Database Backup as you see in phpMyAdmin. I have informed the author of the plugin month ago, but never recieved an answer.
Hi, I appreciate you are working on a book at the moment – but I would be interested to know when you think the new version of myGallery will be available for WP 2.5+
Can you say – days, weeks, months?
I am starting a complete redesign of one of my sites in WP 2.5 and it previously relied heavily on myGallery. If the new version will not be available for some time I may have to look for another option – which wouldn’t be good as I love myGallery.
@tboley: Thank you for the clarification. I appreciate the reply. i hope you have time to work on a WP2.5-compatible version soon. Regards.
Has anyone tried myGallery with WP 2.5? Any bugs? I’d like to upgrade but I don’t need any nasty surprises. Thanks!
Do have some real problems uploading big files. Is there a know size limit (might be a general PHP limit) ?
@Lenen: Filesize depends on your server settings: php memory, max_timeout for http conections etc.
Hi, any news on the WordPress 2.5 compatible version of myGallery?
@davian: Chances a good that there will be a V
version 1.5 next weekend.
@tboley that’s fantastic news :-)
@tboley: Great news!
@davinian: myGallery 1.4b10 is compatible with WordPress 2.5
No its not fully compatible. I.E no MyGallery Button is inserted into the TinyMceEditor.
How far is development going on?
Thanks in advance for your great Plugin.
@tboley any news on v 1.5?
When Trying to add picture descriptions I have encountered an issue where there seems to be a character limit on the text that you can enter, has anyone found a way around this?
I have found the solution to my above post. Convert the description column in the wp_mypictures table from tinytext to text and it works fine.
ALTER TABLE wp_mypictures CHANGE description description TEXT
Like a lot of other people on this page, I rely on mygallery for a lot of sites I set up. I really need to be able to add descriptions to the gallery thumbnails. Is there a php script inside the plugin I can look at to add this functionality?
I can understand your priorities Thomas. I can imagine that your work on mygallery did not collect a lot of money. The work on upgrades is highly intensive and responsible. But there would be solutions to the problem i.e:
1) new Spendengala
2) open the project for someone else to continue the work
3) just find someone who is willing to help out.
There are hundrets if not thousands of people out here who would be very happy about your upgrade I think. Just imagine how many galleries have been included with your smart plugin and how much work is involved.
Just a kind request of someone who is willing to donate if there will be an upgrade…
If you are at it: it would be nice if you could add a function of square thumbs out of the „middle“ of the original (no proportion squeeze).
MyGallery is just a very good example of very good software. Not to forget some compliments!
I upgraded WordPress to 2.7 that uses MyGallery 1.4b10, and upgraded no problem.
Installing a new blog and activating the plug-in is causing a problem. I cannot access the MyGallery settings.
Any help with this problem is much appreciated.
@tboley – any news on version 1.5 that you mentioned back in April? I’ve started moving some of my galleries to a different plugin, but would still like to use MyGallery if possible as it is probably the easiest and simplest to use.
Regards, Dave
This post was posted in 2006. But why many people still commenting on this post???
wie kann ich die gallery ausserhalb eines posts anzeigen lassen ? wenn ich
1054 is die post id eingebe dann erscheint nix .. was mache ich falsch :)
funktioniert das unten wp 2.8…?
@ortlieb: Derzeit nicht.
Hallo zusammen
Für ein Projekt müsste ich mehr als die erlaubten 255 Zeichen in die Description eintragen können-
Weit oben habe ich was gelesen vonwegen TINYTEXT in TEXT ändern. Wo aber genau ändere ich das? Konnte das nirgends finden.
Vielen Dank für die Hilfe
Ok, habs eben gefunden… hätte das niemals in der Datenbank vermutet.
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